Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday Talk: Meal Planning Edition

It's time for another fun linkup with Ashley and Erika.  For the Tuesday Talk Linkup, we are able to write and "talk" about anything we like- oh so fun.
Linking up with them HERE

I thought today I would talk Meal Planning since Fall is when we get serious about it each year.  I wanted to share some tips and recipes because its the most fun sharing these things with our blogging community AND I am hoping you will share some tips and recipes with me- it's a win win right? :)

So first, what has worked for our little fam is doing our meal planning for the week on Sundays and listing out our planned meals on our kitchen chalkboard.  Then when it is time to grocery shop, our needed items are added to our grocery list and we are good for the week.

What has also helped is that my hubby and I take turns in the kitchen.  I go to the office twice a week typically and on those days, I leave my hubby with either instructions and/or the recipe for that night's dinner and between work, he gets it done.

On my days from home, between working,  I will get one-two dinners made.  Fridays are the easiest as we usually have Friday Night Pizza Night or some sort of takeout.

 Here is a sample menu from the two most recent weeks here :)

Week 1

Orange Chicken, Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli
 Recipe HERE 

Quesadillas, Rice and Apples

Weight Watchers Cheeseburger Mac/Cauliflower
 Recipe HERE

Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti
 Recipe is mine- Find it HERE 

 Chicken Chili at the Big Game (and it may have been a Snack Shack Night for the Kiddos) 
So I used Jimmy Fallon's Crockpot Chili BUT substituted Chicken for the Beef to make it healthier for my besties and me- it was pretty good- not as flavorful but I didn't feel guilty after eating it!
Find it HERE

Week 2

This week I don't feel like arguing about meals- we don't have extra time to fight through dinner so I am making the kids happy and giving them things I know they will eat, hence the kid options in parentheses ;)

Bruschetta Chicken, Smashed Sweet Potatoes, Harvest Salad (with rice for the Kiddos)
(Our new Fall routine is that my Mom comes up and we take Eva to dance.  Starting next week my Mom will be taking her alone.  After dance, she will be staying for dinner and then Eva heads off to soccer.  Last night was our first dinner and it was awesome- I tried some new recipes and they got thumbs up all around!

Find the Chicken Recipe HERE
Find the Sweet Potato Recipe HERE
Find the Harvest Salad Recipe HERE

Grilled Wild Haddock, Sauteed Spinach (Fish Sticks and Fries for the Kiddos)

Chicken Tortilla Soup (Grilled Cheese for the Kiddos)
 Find the Recipe HERE

Daddy's Sheppards Pie (Mama has her annual company outing)

Friday Night Pizza Night 

So that's a sample menu from these past two weeks.  Any recipes and ideas you can share?  Always looking for new ideas, especially for fussy kids!  


  1. I totally get picking your battles and just making the kid friendly foods! Adding that harvest salad to my menu :)

  2. Now I'm hungry! So many good meal ideas here. :)

  3. All of these look delicious!!! I really like the look of your salad. It's so colorful!!
