Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday Talk: Memorial Day Weekend Ideas Edition

It is time for the fun linkup, Tuesday Talk, with Ashley and Erika! This is the one time per month and only linkup where you can talk about whatever you want!  Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

Today, I decided to talk about one of my favorite topics of all time- Memorial Day Weekend!

I love this weekend because it is the traditional "Kick Off To Summer"...it means there is no looking back on cold....or snow...or anything but fun in the sun!  Well...even when it rains...there is warmth...there are flowers...and there are all of the traditional summertime treats!

I am so excited for Memorial Day Weekend this year...well...I know that is not new...but I am excited to spend QT with friends and family and even though our whole weekend is not planned out yet...I know I will be bouncing around and just celebrating that summer is finally HERE!

I thought today I would talk about some different Memorial Day Weekend fun that we have incorporated and maybe you will get inspired and incorporate an idea or two.   I would also LOVE LOVE if you would share your fun ideas with me!  Here goes nothing.....

Red, White and Blue

If you have been reading for awhile, you know I am obsessed with Red, White and Blue especially near Memorial Day and the 4th of July...I incorporate the colors into everything I do- the flowers I plant, the way I decorate, the foods and drinks that I make and the clothes that we wear....I get so into the spirit and LOVE LOVE LOVE all things patriotic!

The Activities

So certain things must happen every Memorial Day Weekend for us.  We must hit a beach or a lake, we must see fireworks AND we must attend a parade.

We are lucky to have generous friends so we often get invited to a lake house or a pool and we catch fireworks when we are at a lake or the beach. 

On Memorial Day, our town has a cute little parade.  Since Daddy has been on school board the last few years, it is even more fun for us to go and watch him march! This event always helps us to remember what the day is all about too.  After the fun parade there is a somber service at the cemetery-very moving and very special.

This year, I found a fun and patriotic scavenger hunt that we can incorporate and do with the kids so I am going to type it up and we will have so much fun! Hopefully this will be an addition to our Memorial Day Weekend Traditions!

Grilling and Planting

Lastly, our tradition of planting our garden and herbs happens during Memorial Day Weekend.  Here in New England, we have to be careful because there is a chance of frost at night even through May.  Memorial Day Weekend was always the time that was deemed "safe" by the Farmer's Almanac. So we have followed that rule most years.  This year, however, we have already planted some flowers and I plan on planting my herbs on the deck over the next week or so.  Memorial Day Weekend will be for our veggie garden...we shall see...hoping to grow many yummy things this year!

To accompany the fresh veggies, we will be grilling alot and some of our favorite things to grill are chicken, steak, salmon and....

The Pioneer Woman's Fig and Prosciutto Pizza with Arugula- find the recipe HERE

 and The Pioneer Woman's Grilled Peaches
Find the recipe HERE 

and Grilled Cilantro Lime Chicken
Find the recipe HERE 

So there ya have it....some different ways we enjoy Memorial Day Weekend and the Start of SUMMER!
Would love to hear what you do too!


  1. Our town goes all out more for 4th of July than Memorial Day. That's when we have a parade and fireworks. I love red, white, and blue, too! I guess that means we're true patriots!

  2. Oh I just love this post - Memorial Day weekend makes me happy too! It is a big holiday weekend celebrated in my tiny hometown, but this will be the first year in probably my 27 years to not attend - bittersweet but hubby and I will be attending our first Indy 500 race instead! Love your flowers & decor, I can't wait to get planting too :)

  3. Sounds like so much fun! I am interested in your scavenger hunt...my kids would like that too.
    We take turns with some good friends traveling to visit each other (they live 8 hours away).
