Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Life Lately (Summer 2017)

Time for a little "Life Lately" Fix.....


Mimi and Papa took Eva Blueberry Picking and then to Chuck E Cheese for lunch while Mama and Daddy worked.  She had the time of her life!

They brought home so many blueberries so Mama whipped up a batch of healthy blueberry muffins made with Greek yogurt- big hit!


Eva and I met some pals at Griffin Park during Mama's lunch break.  As I have said many times before, I LOVE our town and feel so blessed to be here.  Meeting friends has become a little easier every will do that for you :)

 Friday Night

Lea and the kids came over so we could spend some QT before we left for our weekend in NJ.  I made the kiddos some pizza and Lea spoiled them with cookies the size of their heads from Klemm's bakery in town!

 I made us a new recipe- clean AND delicious- Gran Marnier Scallops and Shrimp with Brown Rice and Roasted Asparagus.  Robby B even got to wolf down a plate before heading to his gig.

and then we got silly with selfies and Sam started tutoring us on Snapchat- hysterical!

Saturday and Sunday

We were road-tripping it to see Dawn, Jeff and the fam in NJ.  You can read about our trip HERE


Back to Work and Back to Boot Camp!


After a productive day in the office, I hit the gym for a class and then hit cheer practice.  I am only helping out part time this year and there are two reasons. 1. It is an opportunity to spend more time with Diana and make her happy and 2. Because Lea begged me to.  I will never let her live it down- the good news is, we are job-sharing and doing this very part time and we can have some laughs.  Trying to think positive ;)

and that's a little Life Lately.....


  1. Girl, I don't know how you do it. I swear that no one knows how to have fun like you. Glad to always see you smiling.

  2. I bet Eva had so much fun with her grandparent time! Good on you for coaching! I think I'd be too Abby Lee Miller if I was in charge- ha!
