Tuesday, August 1, 2017

2017 Triple Threat Theater Performance

So it was Diana's 2nd year partaking in this wonderful program.  Triple Threat Theater Camp is just that.  It is a camp run by Londonderry Dance Academy and the New England Dance Ensemble.  The kids learn singing, dancing and acting and at the end of the camp, they put on a broadway-quality production.  It is unreal!

You can read about last year's show HERE 

It was Diana's 2nd year and she scored a part this year- we were so happy for her!  She worked so hard and wanted it so badly!

She played Katie in School of Rock.  

The shows included last Wednesday night were Seussical, School Of Rock, Shrek and Les Miserables.

The grandparents were in attendance as were Eva and Zach.  Diana's fan club was in full force!  Miss Lea and fam were there too as Sam joined Diana this year.   Rob snapped several pics of Sam and Diana and the troops after.

 I apologize in advance for photo overload!


  1. What an amazing experience for her!!! Love your dress!!

  2. Way to go, D! She's so adorable! How awesome to have such a great program in town for her to do, too!
