Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The 2016 Newport Wine & Food Festival

We had another wonderful weekend at the Newport Wine & Food Festival on Saturday.  I have to say Saturday because we truly left home around 7:30 on Saturday morning and were back by 7:30am Sunday!  What a whirlwind and oh....so....worth it!
Heading down, I made Rob and Matt breakfast sandwiches to "inspire them to get me there faster!" ha ha!
We made great time so we went downtown to hit Starbucks.  While the guys were waiting for their
coffee, I browsed in a few shops!
Then we headed to the beach to catch the shuttle to The Marble House- Matt snapped a quick pic of us

We met the rest of the crew just in time for the shuttle.  When we got there, we waited in line for about an hour but it flew by.  When you are with friends, and you are talking, time does fly.  I am glad Rob got this pic of the five girls.  We weren't all together the rest of the day!

The Marble House- just beautiful
The main event itself, was just amazing.  We agreed that there was less food this year but more things for the "non-wine-drinkers" like my hubby.  They had tequila, cider, beers and even gin.
I was excited that my favorite winemaker, J. Lohr was there again.  

Cass, Beth Ann and me with Pamela from J. Lohr
After tasting two of the top wines there with the whole crew, Cass, Beth Ann and I broke off and took things in stride (while Matt and Rob had their own fun- they were cracking me up.  They hit all the food tables and even got in a game of cornhole)
 The wines, the food and the decor were all amazing again

 and we got Cass to try her very first oyster and she LOVED it...so much so, she went back for more multiple times!  FTW!

Matt and Rob scored us some adorable plates- they look like lobster claws and they hold food AND a wine glass- FTW!

and then Beth Ann and I seemed to lose everyone else and that is when things got really silly.  We met a girl getting married and one of her best friends.  We started giving them marriage advice- it was so funny!

To say that the festival flew by for me, was an understatement.  You think, at first, "four and a half hours?  How much wine can you really try and how occupied can you stay for that entire time?" Well friends, it flies by, especially when you start meeting people and talking and learning- so much fun.

After the festival, we took the shuttle back to the beach.  Beth and I jumped into the ocean- oh yes- I will leave the rest of the story out but we called it "Cake By The Ocean".  Found this pic on my own after and just giggled out loud- I had so much fun- I felt like a college kid again

After our "beachscapades", we checked into our hotel, The Newport Bay Club.  Cass always scores rooms there and it is amazing.  The rooms look like little condos/townhouses and it is right on the water.  Once we changed, four of us ladies enjoyed champagne, compliments of Laurel, on the Observation Deck, at sunset.  I know, it seems like a movie and I know, I didn't need the champagne after all that wine but toasting with my girlfriends is one of my favorite things to do.

 The guys headed over to the Oyster Bar and the girls headed over to the Lilly Pulitzer store. They were having a big sale and everyone picked up some cute things.  I scored a pair of flip flops for $24.

We then all met up for dinner at The Red Parrot- it was casual and awesome- had one of the best burgers ever.  Wish I got more pics of the whole group.  Just found this one on my phone of us three ladies

After dinner, Beth Ann and I enjoyed dancing in a club (I know I was in this club several times back in the UMD days.)  The band was incredible and we danced and danced.  Lost the rest of the group again but we had so much fun together- so glad she was there this year- made it so much more fun.
It was very rough getting up at 5am on Sunday but a cheer coach is always a cheer coach and I was on the field by 8:30am!  I am tired just writing this!
Had a ball for so many reasons and couldn't wait to share all this fun and excitement with all of you!

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