Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader"


(Fall 2014)


So...the cat is out of the bag....Diana made the Windham High School Varsity Cheer Team yesterday.  This is something she decided she wanted to try last spring.  It was a time of heartbreak, self-reflecting, and moving forward with some dreams that were not addressed in the last few years.

(Fall 2015)

Diana knows it is tough being a kid like her- wanting to do it all and do it well but time not allowing that luxury.

(Winter 2016)

She decided that she wanted to try out for the high school cheer team for a few reasons.  1. She wanted to be involved in a sport team at the high school and achieve a varsity letter.  2. She wanted to be able to socialize more AND at school instead of heading to a dance studio 7 days/week and 3. She has always loved cheer and kept begging to go back to it we are.

(Fall 2016)


She worked out with the high school team all summer.  She went to team workouts at ECE on Tuesday Nights and team workouts at the high school on Thursday Nights.  She also attended open gyms at ECE on her own on various days.  Lastly, as you know, we spent much time at the rail trail this summer.  I would walk but she would go ahead and get her required runs in, record them and send them to the coach with an app.  She was determined.


Here are some snippets of her summer tumbling work...



and we are back....

(Fall 2017)

Tryouts were on Monday 9-11 and again 1-3.  Then yesterday they continued 12-3.  She found out at the end of tryouts yesterday when the coach called them in one by one.  Eek!

(Winter 2018)

She was thrilled.  The coach has been watching her cheer and perform since she was a little kid.  Fun fact: the coach graduated with Zach and we watched her growing up cheering through college!  She told Diana she had nothing to be nervous about- she is a hard worker- she was born for this and she was ready for this team- ahhhh!  Such a thrill!

(Fall 2018)

We are so proud of her determination, work and now so happy for her JOY!  We couldn't be happier to see her so happy!

(Winter 2019)

This means sacrifices in other areas of course.  She can't dance right now and she can't try out for the fall play but she is ok with all of that and so are we actually.

(Fall 2019)

Change is something I usually dislike but I am so thrilled for her and can't wait to experience Friday Night Lights again...I feel like Rob and I are going to be able to enjoy the high school football games now for a bonus few years!!  Yeah! 

Congrats Diana- you earned this and we can't wait to watch you cheer!







  1. Congratulations to your daughter! I'm sure she'll have a lot of fun and you'll enjoy it too. My girls were both dancers, my oldest loved ballet best and spent most of her time there, but my younger daughter liked it all. When she went to college (a small school) she tried out for cheerleading and made the team. This is so her, determined and confident about things she's never tried lol. It's so much fun to see them on the field! Enjoy!

  2. Oh, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Diana!!! That is amazing!!! It is hard to put aside old dreams to pursue new ones but hopefully this fall will reinforce that new dreams can be awesome too!

  3. Yah! Congrats!! Diana is a natural born performer so this role makes perfect sense for her. I hope she loves it and how fun for you guys as well! Going to the high school games and having something to watch besides just the game! Will she do basketball cheer, too, or just football?

  4. I am not at all surprised she made the team and am so excited for her! Trying new things isn't always easy but good for her. I hope she has the best time!

  5. Congratulations! She is such an amazing! You're going to have so much fun with the football games!

  6. So so wonderful! Happy for you all.

