Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Favorites (August 16, 2024)


Happy Friday Friends!  Let's get right to some faves from our week!

Remi's Antics

Oh he continues to entertain us-  he's our little love!


Summer Faves

Daily Walks at the Rail Trail and Teas from "Revitalize" with their Positive Messages


Our 20th Anniversary on the Beach

On Wednesday night, upon Robby B's return from Milwaukee, we drove up to the beach for a casual dinner and sunset.  We enjoyed a smorgasbord of seafood and then a champagne toast on the beach while Pidge went crazy in the ocean and Diana demanded a photo shoot- wouldn't change anything for the world!



and the continuation of a stunning sunset on the way home.....




 Snapshots of JOY from this week

A successful batch of Deviled Eggs



Coaching Colleagues on Updating Our Website


Facetiming Robby B on our Anniversary- he was away on business


Getting Caught in Daddy's Office- ha!!!



Watching "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret" with Pidge because believe it or not we have another girl in this house entering puberty- EEK!



Pic from my bestie- these two sweet girls stopped by her office this week to say HELLO ;)



 That's a wrap!  Hope you are enjoying what remains of your summers...we certainly are here!  Have a great weekend!


  1. Our kids wanted to come celebrate our anniversary this year, too! So fun! You are so lucky to be close enough to a beach! Congrats on 20 years! I love your beachy 'fit!

  2. What a great week you've had! I love the beach pictures, and I confess to being jealous that you were wearing pants and a sweatshirt/sweater in August. Meanwhile, the heat index here yesterday was 105 or more. We're all melting just standing around outside! I'd love to live where you live and be cooler all year long. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  3. What a great anniversary celebration- the food, the beach, the girls- I can see how you wouldn´t want it any other way ;). I will share the DD quote- soooo true, right? And funny to boot. Please share the deviled eggs recipe if yours turned out yummy. I have never made them but think that I need to change that. Have a great weekend!

  4. That "make it small" meme perfectly describes you Holly. You give so much back to your community and you are inspiring. I hope you have a great weekend.

  5. That anniversary night at the beach sounds perfect! What a wonderful list of favorites.

  6. I love that make it small meme. That's how I'm trying to live in these turbulent times. Happy Anniversary! Looks like a fun relaxed celebration which is my favorite kind.

  7. I love all of the memes. Such good messages.

  8. That is a great group of favorites! I love celebrating your anniversary on the beach! I hope you have a great weekend!!

  9. I love that your anniversary was a family affair. Great pics at the beach! Happy anniversary.
