Friday, March 15, 2024

Friday Favorites (March 15, 2024)


We made it...Praise God!  Sharing some faves from our week...


A Week of Networking

Two events in the same week?  Ahh!  I am wiped.  Monday night was the Granite State Professional Womens' Networking event and Tuesday night was the MAHRA Trivia Night- great opportunities to connect with other professionals in the area and get my name out there- fun but exhausting for sure!

Election Day

Election Day in our town on Tuesday meant no school for the kiddos.  Though I worked, I let Eva have a friend over and at lunchtime we went to vote and have a quick that I can still be present :)


My Girl Shannon running for re-election on our school board- she was unopposed- yeah!

Signs of Spring?

I think yes...sidewalk chalk is definitely one of those signs :)

GBS Band/Orchestra Concert

Last night we got to see and hear Eva show off what she has learned on the viola so so cute at this age...and it sounded ok/kinda good?!  HA!!

That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends XO


  1. Haha - it sounded ok/kinda good! Love seeing kids' sidewalk chalk! It was 74 and sunny yesterday and I took off! I spent hours in my chair and later in the day added a chilled Sauv Blanc to my set up! Ahhhh! We really don't take enough time for ourselves! I hope you have a fun filled weekend ahead.

  2. What a full week! Our kiddos also had off Tuesday for Election day. Your comment about Eva is cracking me up. Have a great weekend, Holly!

  3. Aww, Eva looks cute with her viola. How fun to go hear her and all the other kids at the strings concert. Love the sidewalk chalk- definitely a sign that the kids are out and enjoying nice weather. Have a great weekend!

  4. It sounds like you had a great week! I love those signs of spring, and that Eva had a concert to show off her skills on the viola. I hope your week ends on a high note today, my friend!

  5. Ah, I love the chalk sign of spring. I hope Rachel isn't too old to do that this year. And as for the music, well, you gotta start somewhere, right?! I haven't yet been invited to one of Rachel's concerts but hopefully they will happen.

  6. Love the signs of spring! It was 78 and sunny here yesterday here! It was amazing!

  7. That's so interesting that you all don't have school on election days! Hope you have a good weekend!

  8. The networking events sound good but I would feel wiped out too.
    Ahh! Chalk on the sidewalk is a wonderful sight to see.

  9. Our sign of spring is Malone lying on the deck and not wanting to come back in the house. Soaking up that sunshine!

  10. What a wonderful week! I definitely agree that sidewalk chalk is a sign of spring.
