Monday, November 20, 2023

Hello Monday and Hello Thanksgiving Week!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  It is one of my favorite weeks of the year!  Are you all ready for your big weeks?  If you blogged about your weekend, please link up with Sarah and me below!

Here is what our weekend looked like...


I had some doctors' appointments and tests so to take my mind off things while I was waiting for results and in between tests, Robby B came to the rescue to distract me.  Baby Sylvie was over and I got some very cute pics and a video!

That night I headed to opening night of "She Kills Monsters" at WHS.  It was fabulous and hysterical.  Proud of my girl :)

Dance Battle!

When I got home, I got to sneak in some snuggles with this precious little girl!


It was time for Thanksgiving shopping, getting some work done and organizing for the week

Then I volunteered at the ticket counter for Diana's 2pm show.

That night, I met up with my Mom at Red's for dinner and catching up and then we met the rest of the family and friends at Diana's 7pm show- it was great-so much fun!


Only snapped a couple of pics after...


I started cooking for Thanksgiving and got Diana to the high school for strike while Rob and Eva were at Softball.


I made the fam soup and breadsticks for a cozy Sunday and then...


 Rob and I joined our family friends in honor of Jimmy and Suzy's Foundation Martorana Strong.  Proceeds on Sunday from Luna Bistro were being donated to her foundation she established for her late husband- we had a wonderful night!


That's a wrap!  What were YOU up to?

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  1. Your ¨cheerleader¨ looks so cute! Glad the production went well. The fundraiser sounds like it was fun- hope it made a lot of money. Baby Sylvie is so cute- glad you guys got to spend time with her. Have a great Monday!

  2. What a sweet hubby to distract you to help you keep your mind off the tests you were having. Prayers that everything is okay! Your little grand is precious! How fun to see Diana in her element again, and on stage with a theater production. I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend!

  3. What a fabulous weekend of supporting friends and family. And Sylvie is soooo cute!!! Enjoy your week!!!

  4. Waiting for test results is stressful, but you had the most perfect and very cute distraction. Diana looks great on stage. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


  5. Such a fabulous weekend! I nearly didn't recognize your daughter on stage since I forgot (momentarily!) about the hair extensions.

  6. Sounds like a FULL weekend. . .glad it was a good one :)

  7. I hope everything is ok with the tests. Sending hugs! The show looks fabulous! Baby Sylvie is so precious! I love that you had some time with your mom before the show!
    Sarah @ Sunshine & Books
