Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday Favorites (November 16, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  We made it!!  It was a great week in these parts filled with work- school work- dance- hockey- softball-a meal that got two thumbs up (recipe coming soon) and a great book club.  Here are some faves from our week....

She Kills Monsters

Diana's show at WHS opens tonight- there will be three shows over the weekend- she is going back to her roots for this one and playing a cheerleader- Break A Leg!

Book Club

It was Book Club #29 and Bethany hosted us and truly went all out and outdid herself!  We had SO MANY laughs last night- it was one of the best ones yet- I didn't want to leave and usually I am toast by Thursday night...that's how you know it was a great one :)  We read "The New Couple" by Alison James and it was an awesome little thriller!


Thanksgiving Faves/Tips

I always use a chart like this to figure out the turkey situation

and adorn the table with useful and adorable serving pieces

Lastly- Shop The Sales- I scored a huge deal this year and couldn't wait to call my mom to tell her- we were laughing at how excited we were- turkeys were 69 cents/pound at our nearby Market Basket so I scored a 20 pounder for around $13 FTW- still so happy about this steal- ha!

Date Walks

Wrapping up my Friday Faves with a Date Walk- we had a few this week and I am loving getting outside even in the cold!

Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


  1. I hope the shows go well this weekend! I hadn´t even thought about the bird´s migration from the freezer to the fridge but that needs to happen this weekend- thanks for the chart. Congrats on your good deal! Kroger had them for .49 a pound; I got the biggest one that I could find but it´s not much more than 20 lbs. Have a great weekend!

  2. I hope Diana’s show goes so well. Adorable. We used to do date walks, lol. Need to get Mr. Nine walking! Happy Weekend.

  3. I am so glad you had such a great week! I know you love seeing Diana in that play. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

  4. Dave and I are going on a date walk tomorrow to Starbucks for the holiday cups while Rachel is at dance. I feel like I'm channeling you!!!

    Also, thank you for the reminder because my friends' child is in She Kills Monsters next weekend and I needed the reminder to get tickets. I hope Diana's shows go well.

  5. Good luck with your daughters shows. How fun to belong to a book group. I think it's so nice to go on date walks with your hubby. I hope you have a nice weekend and a happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Turkeys are always .59-.69 at Market Basket so this time of year I buy 2; one for Thanksgiving and one for us to cook at a later date.

  7. Oh, our high school did that show last year, and the cheerleader's roles are so great! Good luck to your girl!

  8. My son's theatre did She Kills Monsters a few years ago! I really liked it. Also, I love the MudPie dishes!
