Monday, August 21, 2023

Hello Monday and Hello Beach! (August 21, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  I am here with Sarah to recap our weekends and hope you will do the same!  Just grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!

Here is what our little weekend looked like....

Friday Night

So...I thought it would be a quiet night at home but it ended up being a very fun night with friends.  We went to the girls' new dance studio to see Diana and some other students showcase what they were working on last week during dance intensives and were WOW' much talent and work and just a great group of people!


Musical Theater



Partner Work

After the demonstration, we headed over to the Callahan's for a last minute cookout/swim/celebrating Ava's birthday...Eva had spent the day with them doing all sorts of fun things...


 and did a sleep over too...she was living her best life.  Diana was at a babysitting job!  Rob and I had a blast decompressing with some of our favorite peeps.

Happy Birthday Ava!


It was such a productive day!  I got up and got "running" right away and started meal prepping AND cooking for the fall.  I successfully meal planned for September and made meals and froze them.  Now we have a few meals each week that we can just defrost and that will save me some time.  I am thinking positively and thinking we will have a busy fall at work so trying to save time and stress!  :)

I then took Diana to get fitted for new pointe shoes and we made a pit stop to Trader Joe's on the way home for some of our faves

Then it was home to organize Eva's closet for the school year!  We put together bags of donations of the clothes she grew out of and got her outfits and shoes all organized.  Diana is on her own this year and I trust her to keep her outfits organized.  If nothing else, she is a slave to fashion- ha!

That night, we joined my fam and celebrated my Dad's Birthday at Bocelli's and then with cake back at my parents house- we laughed so hard- love the silly memories and stories :)


It was the day we set aside for our "10th Annual Mother Daughter Boogie Board Day" and it was Eva's 1st year to join us!  It was the PERFECT BEACH DAY and all I can say is FINALLLLLYYY...Praise God!

Yesterday late afternoon, I did more meal prepping...more clothes organizing for Eva and cooked and served dinner for my was a great little weekend...what were YOU all up to?

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  1. Wow! I'm so impressed with your productive weekend! I need to take the time to meal prep for the Fall! Have a great day!

  2. What a great weekend- productive and also lots of fun. How fun to celebrate your dad. Those desserts at your parents' house look amazing. And a day at the beach with your girls? The absolute best. I hope that your Monday is a great one!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend and am so impressed with not only the meal planning but prep! What a good feelling, I'm sure. Looks like a fun beach day with your girls!

  4. Happy birthday to your dad! I love that idea of keeping meals in the freezer; I used to do that all the time with leftovers by whipping up quick casseroles and freezing them... now I'm wondering how I got out of that habit. I really must to something like that for those busy fall nights (not even sure if I'll have any this year but it does seem like everyone is in and out all the time now). It looks like you had a picture perfect beach day!!

  5. Sounds like a fun weekend. And you go girl with your meal planning and prepping! You're inspiring me Holly and it's exactly what I need. My meal planning has gone out the window and I need to get back on track!

  6. Making meals and freezing them sounds like a great plan for fall! My daughter is playing in a club softball league, plus rec soccer, it's going to be a lot! I need to get meal planning on my radar!
