Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday Favorites (August 18, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  We made it!  I think we have finally recovered from jet lag but with that being said, I am excited for a chill Friday night at home for sure!

Sharing a few faves from our week and linking up for Friday Faves HERE

Memories from Italy

Some of my favorite ever....



I call this one "Pure Joy"

That is truly what she is feeling...Cheers to new beginnings...a new dance studio...making the Pre Pro Company Team AND being chosen as a soloist...all with a Director who is willing to work with her theater schedule and be flexible ...and truly has created a very positive and empowering culture...grateful beyond belief!

Lunchtime Visit from Sylvie

and I got a smile!!  I was over the moon :)

Working On The Deck

Trying to get out there once/week so Eva can swim during our work days...and Remi looks like he is missing the party...he kills me!

Eva and Remi

Nuff said...dying...ha!

Barbie...Again ;)

Well Eva hadn't seen it and my friend Beth Ann hadn't seen it so we made it a fun girls night and took Eva and her bestie along with Ella and Diana to see it- I think it is even better the 2nd time- I laughed more and caught things I didn't the first time!

and more Barbie pink for Mama of course...another way Lilly comes in handy ;)

That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. That jet lag is no joke. Aww Pure Joy indeed, love that photo and cheers and happy “dances” for all the new goodness! Love! Have the sweetest weekend!

  2. Swooning over your pics of Italy- I can't even imagine being there!! You probably feel like a part of you is still there, yet you have all your responsibilities here. It seem like your first week back was a good one! Love the Sylvie pics- what a cutie and congrats to Diana. Super exciting!!

  3. Loving all these Italy memories!! It looks like a fabulous week and congrats to your dancer. That is exciting.

  4. I have loved following along on your Italy trip with Instagram and your other blog post! It looks like the trip met every expectation and then some. Love the picture of the jump in front of the dance studio. Sometimes you don't know you need a change, and then once it happens you are just so relieved and happy!! Enjoy the weekend!

  5. I hope my comment posted on your Italy computer is being glitchy. The trip looks beyond fabulous. Slyvie is too cute!! Looks like you all had a great week, and I hope you've had a restful weekend.

  6. I want to see the Barbie movie so bad! Have to find the time with my daughter. Now that school started, and sports, etc. it gets busy! And that slush with sorrento sounds amazing!
