Thursday, July 13, 2023

Shania Twain- The Next Generation

 I have loved Shania Twain for over 20 years!

My favorite album was "Come On Over" released in 1997.  I have listened to that album upteenth times and it is one of the few albums that I can listen to- start to finish because one song is better than the next!


I started going to see her in my 20's and Cass agreed to tag along- she soon became a superfan too.  We saw her twice in our 20's, once in 2017 and then this past weekend.


This was us at her show circa 2002


This year, we decided to start passing the tradition on to our first born daughters too and they loved her!

Truth be told, Diana started listening to her this past year and loved her too.  On our way to most softball games, we would blast her songs.

So Sunday was the big day!


 At lunch


and at the venue!  The show was at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield MA

Let's Go Girls ;)


and some snippets- she is still OUTSTANDING - we just love her!  Such a great lady too!

"Don't Be Stupid"


Her Amazing Back Up Dancers!

"Forever and Always" from Our Wedding Video :)

"That Don't Impress Me Much"

Such a great night and so special to share it with our girls!


  1. So fun! I loved Shania back in the day and know just about every word to every song that released in the 90's. I know that'll be a night those girls will never forget!

  2. Looks like a great show! What a fun night with the girls!! I used to listen to that album a lot as well. She's so talented.

  3. Ahh! I love Shania Twain!
    It looks and sounds like you had a fantastic time! I would love to see her in concert.

  4. What a great tradition, and you all look so cute in your concert outfits!

  5. Oh what FUN! I loved her too. Still do. Y’all looked darling!

  6. So so fun! That is still my favorite album of hers!
