Monday, July 17, 2023

Hello Monday (July 17, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you are here!  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below.  C''ll be fun!

Here is what our little weekend looked like

Friday Night

Pizza and Salad Night!  Nothing too wild here..I picked the girls up from camp and we crashed early while Daddy had a gig.  Oh and Diana and I did start watching "The Summer I Turned Pretty- Season 2"


We slept in a bit and then started with a date walk...yeah!  



Then Robby B and I headed up to the outlets so he could get some new sneaks while I needed some foundation- it was a quick and successful trip.  We picked up lunch on the way home and enjoyed lunch together...just the four of us...that rarely happens!

That night, Diana watched Eva for us so we could head to Kary's 40th Birthday Bash- we had such a great time celebrating this beautiful soul...and I made my requested Tequila Jello Shots to compliment the Mexican fare....such a great night!


We were all up early and getting ready for mass and as we were, I had the news on per usual and we saw we had a tornado warning- EEK!  So instead of going to mass, we all went downstairs with Papa and hung out for an hour until the storm passed.  So scary!  

After that, we started organizing for Italy and making piles of clothes for each one of us.  I am excited I have the girls all ready to go and I am ready for the most part.  Robby B is much to remember.

After that, Pidge and I ran to Shaws for some food and I got cooking.  I made Kayla and Marshall a few meals and made Sunday dinner for us.  

Rob helped Diana film an audition piece.  Exciting news!  She just signed with an agency last week and already had a request for an audition for a commercial for a big company- yeah!  Very exciting stuff and more exciting news on Diana coming soon!

Later on, we all piled in the car and went to visit Kayla, Marshall and Baby Sylvie- yeah!  We got some major snuggles in and she was the sweetest little alert and just beautiful!

Last night, we crashed early.

I have to say we have not made it to the beach is just crazy...we have had the rainiest summer yet and it is definitely rivaling the summer of 2021- ugh!  I can't wait to get to the ocean again but not sure when that is going to happen

So...what were YOU up to?

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  1. A 40th birthday party? Who are your "baby" friends, lol! Speaking of baby, aww, baby Sylive is beautiful and she's at that perfect holding stage- so tiny and not heavy and just so sweet. Exciting news about Diana. You guys have such great things coming up!! Have a great Monday!

  2. Congrats to Diana! Same here about the rain - ugh! I would love to see your packing post! I am a packing nerd and love to have a color scheme. I would love to be able to just carry on next time - did you know you can save so much money right now on plane tix if you just carry on? My issue is always the shoes. Oh, the shoes.

  3. @Maria seriously! So the 40 somethings are parents of Eva's friends- I had her when I was 41 so that should explain it- I am the "Granny" of the group- ha!

  4. @Amy YES! I have a friend who is doing carry on only and thinking about that just stresses me out- the shoes and some of my toiletries I really need so big suitcase for me! :)

  5. Italy must be getting close! I'm so excited for you! I'm so glad you got to see your grandbaby- she is beautiful. I hate to hear you haven't been to the beach yet- we've had a rainy summer as well, though not nearly as much as you. And also, we got really hot really fast, so I was at least able to swim on the days when it was sunny. It sounds like you had a perfect weekend!

  6. Holly, the party looks like it was fun and those jello shots. How scary to have the tornado watch. The weather has been so bad this summer with the storms. How exciting to be getting ready for your trip to Italy! Enjoy the week Holly.

  7. The 40th party sounds so fun! We had a tornado watch and a flood warning on Sunday but thankfully had zero problems.

  8. That is just the sweetest baby, and I can't wait to hear more about Diana's opportunities!
