Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Currently: July 2023


Hi Friends!  Hope you had a wonderful 4th!  I am back today and joining Jennifer for her Currently Link Up.  This month we are talking what we are currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying.  Here we go!





All the little things of summer....air conditioning...especially sleeping when it is nice and cool in our bedroom and we can snuggle up with a fluffy white comforter.  Cooking on the grill.  Swimming.   The long days.  Flowers Blooming.  Green Grass.  Bomb Pops.  Lobster. Camps.  All the Patriotic Goodness.


The Day Light.  The Slower Schedules.  Walks Outside.  Summer!


We had a blast celebrating Caden's birthday...

 but I would say also, just every day life.  After a crazy spring with multiple celebrations I am loving this down time and truly appreciating it.

(Find the Frenchie- ha!)


where I was last summer and appreciating my health this year- always a work in progress but grateful for my overall energy!


to learn some key Italian words and phrases so I can ask for and say basic things while in Italy next month.  Stay tuned!

Can't wait to see what is up with YOU Currently :)


  1. ooh! That trip is coming up fast; how fabulous! It sounds like you are having a wonderful and relaxing summer (despite our somewhat rainy/cool weather). We are too! I'm not going to let a little weather get in my way of soaking up the fun.

  2. Duolingo is really great and free! How fun! My friend is there right now.
    I agree with everything you said about summer. I appreciate it all except the mosquitos!

  3. Glad that you are enjoying your summer so much- celebrating your good health and enjoying time with your family and friends. So cool about Italy- I can see how knowing a few phrases would be helpful. My guess, though, is that if you don't know a single word in Italy before you go, by the time you come back, you'll know many!!

  4. I can’t wait to hear about your Italy trip!! I’m with you loving all things summer!! Remi made me giggle in that picture with Rob! Ha!
    Have a great day!

  5. You hit the nail on the head with all the wonderful things about summer. I know this one is hitting differently because of how much better you feel. I remember my first summer after the same surgery I had- I vowed to never again take for granted the gift of good health and the wonder of feeling great. Are you using Duo for your language learning? My husband is currently learning Spanish through the app, and therefore by proxy, so am I. 🤣 When is your trip? I know it's approaching quickly! You'll have to share about what you're taking with you and why. Are you carrying on or checking a bag? I am fascinated about how people pack!

  6. I love all this!! I can't wait to follow along with you to Italy!! I haven't been in over 10 years and would love to go back! :)

  7. So many good things that you are loving! Summer is so great for all of that! Happy birthday Caden! Italy sounds exciting!!

  8. That Frenchie with his eyes bulging out over the bomb pop!

  9. Happy Birthday Caden! Looks like you're having a great summer so far, and that trip to Italy is coming up quickly! Very exciting!

  10. Ooooo -- I'm so excited for your Italy trip! And thanks for the Duolingo reminder. I wanted to improve my Arabic this summer and I should try that to help. Also, we're currently sleeping in my parents' basement and I LOVE snuggling under the covers after our week of heat in Ontario.
