Thursday, July 6, 2023

4th of July Festivities in 2023


Hi Friends!  Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July wherever you were!  I am recapping our Long 4th of July Weekend and have so much fun to share with you so let's get to it!


 Friday Night


The girls wrapped up film camp during the day and that night, one of Eva's besties came over.  They had a blast swimming and eating burgers we cooked on the grill...then playing a Taylor Swift game and Junior Monopoly.  Daddy went to a wake but was able to observe some of the fun when he came back.  It was a great way to kick off the holiday weekend.


 Even Remi got in on some festive action and had his own bomb pop ;)



It was a nice and easy morning for me full of reading and maybe some Friday Night Lights...baking for the weekend and then some outdoor time


Rob and His Dad went over to Kayla and Marshall's new home and helped the efforts of setting up things, getting electronics installed, etc.


Later on, we snuck in a little time outdoors

(no cushions on the outdoor couch as it was raining off and on all weekend)

Later on, Tom picked up Rob and the girls and headed to The Escape Room to kick off Caden's Birthday Festivities.  I picked up Laurel and the ladies went to enjoy a cocktail before the big birthday dinner.

This is the July Martini at Copper Door- so perfectly patriotic and delish- not very sweet at all- it had a citrusy flavor and the glass was rimmed with Pop Rocks- so perfect!

Caden's Birthday Dinner was at a Japanese Restaurant called Wasabi and we had a blast!

 Then we went back to the McLains.  The kids jumped in the pool and then we enjoyed the amazing cake by Alexa- it was a Taylor Swift Eras Cake- unbelievable!


Although it was raining, we got packed up and headed up to the McLain's Lake House on Lake Winnipesaukee.  It was a rainy day so we enjoyed some Italy planning and then games...snacks...and wine for the day!

 Then we made dinner together and enjoyed a feast of lobster, tomato and peach caprese salad, roasted orzo, burgers and mac n cheese

 Still raining outside but yet still so beautiful

 After dinner, we played a long and funny game of Cards Against Humanity- so many laughs!



Although we awoke to more rain, we waited Mother Nature out and we were able to get out and on the boat before 11am!  Yeah!  We were all very excited to be outside and on the water and getting glimpses of the sun throughout the day!



It was an awesome day!  On our way home we stopped for a quick bite to eat then crashed early and hard.  We all piled into our bed to watch a little "Christmas in July" on Hallmark and snuggle with Remi although he was crazed and so very excited so that didn't last long- ha!



We enjoyed a very leisurely and slow morning as we got unpacked and did laundry and packed up for our afternoon at the Callahan's.



We all had such a blast.  The kids swam most of the day...the guys played lawn games and the gals talked and laughed.  


The highlight, though, was the fireworks display Kev put on for us.  Outstanding!






 Hope you all had an amazing 4th!





  1. Looks like a perfect 4th of July! That Eras cake looked amazing as did all of the yummy food. All of the celebrations looked like fun and time out on the water- perfection.

  2. What a great weekend! I'm so glad the weather finally cooperated for you all to get out on the water and to show you the sun. It rained for us here on the 4th- I didn't expect it and was caught off guard a bit, so it messed up our fireworks being shot off. That's the first time ever we haven't done fireworks at my mom's and stepdad's! That lake is gorgeous! Was it too cold to swim in? Just curious. I know you loved planning for your big Italy trip!

  3. What a great weekend. And that Taylor cake, wow that was awesome. Love the lake pictures, lakes are so fun!

  4. OMG! That TS cake is amazing!! The lake house is fun! Looks like you all had the best weekend.

  5. What a fun weekend & 4th. I enjoyed seeing all of your happy family having fun.
    Visiting today from Encouraging Hearts & Home #9&10

  6. That does sound like an amazing 4th of July weekend!
