Monday, June 19, 2023

Hello Monday and Hello Kayla's Baby Shower and Father's Day Weekend!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!

If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below.

Here is what our crazy weekend looked like.....

Friday Night

Diana had to go clean her dance studio.  Rob and Eva went to softball practice and I set up for the Baby Shower we would be hosting the next day.  


Kayla wanted succulents as the favors so made that happen.  Thank you Amazon once again!  I got the succulents HERE and the tags HERE


I also picked up the cupcakes and was so excited with the way they turned out!  A big thanks to Alexa of Cakes by Alexa Marie


When Rob got back, he and Papa set up a couple of tents on our front lawn in case the weather cooperated  (wishful thinking).  I was preparing for worst case scenario and that was having 50 people indoors.  (Spoiler Alert: it all worked out and everyone fit inside just fine!) 





It was go time.  Rob went out and picked up all of the balloons for me (two different stores) and grabbed a ton of ice.  Kayla's mom came early to help me and we got everything set up.  Ally and the girls set up the decorations and games.  We were ready to go!



It was a lovely day- the Mama To Be looked so beautiful and I think she had fun.  


That night, my parents, brother and our fam went out to celebrate Father's Day with my Dad.  He picked Fusion, his favorite restaurant and we had several laughs.  After dinner, we went back to my parent's house for dessert and had more laughs and talked a lot of theater.  We had a blast!  I felt like I could finally decompress after a WILD Spring- who is with me?! 



 Happy Father's Day!  We were all up early for softball.  It was another tournament weekend but Eva and Rob missed the games on Saturday for the shower.  We all headed up to Barrington NH- about an hour from here.  We, of course, spoiled Rob with his cards and gifts before we left :)


The first game was at 12 noon which was not bad but the girls got crushed and we were done for the weekend but not before some fun cheering with our softball fam.

 Kyra, friend and Team Mom, put together amazing goody bags for the Dads so the girls had fun giving the bags to their dads.


On our way home, Diana and I stopped to get some food for dinner and since we had some time, we cooked on the grill and spoiled Rob and Papa with a Father's Day feast.  The girls even swam for awhile- crazy!  (It was only 64 degress out!)

Last night, Rob left for Denver for a business trip.  I am riding solo this week- I got this right?!  ;)

This morning, as I am working at my desk, this is my view.  Someone has been looking everywhere for Daddy and is already depressed- so sad!

So what were YOU up to?



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  1. What a perfect weekend! The shower looks like it turned out great. The mom to be- is this the one who got married recently? It looks like her, if I remember correctly. You have got this! Take it easy on yourself this week and do what you need to survive without your cohort. Have a great day, my friend!

  2. The shower details are so good! I love your purple dress! Happy solo parenting week - call in reinforcements? You are in survival mode so don't worry about the house and cooking! Ha!

  3. Amazing job on the shower! The pictures of you all are so good. I'm sure the mama to be felt loved and received many great items as well. Good luck this week! You got this...

  4. The shower looks wonderful and all the little details for it were just perfect! I love those potted succulents. You did a great job celebrating the father's in your life too. Good luck solo parenting this week!

  5. Okay, if I ever need to host a baby shower I am calling you! GREAT JOB!!! I love the idea of the little goodie bags for the dads at ball -- how thoughtful! And I am parenting solo the last week of school and completely DREADING it. Yikes. Wish me luck and a whole lot of patience and prayers :) We celebrated Rachel's birthday on Saturday so Dave has agreed to postpone Father's Day until mid-July! Hahaha!!!

  6. Everything looked beautiful for the baby shower. You did amazing! I'll be thinking of you this week as you fly solo. You've got this for sure Holly 😊

  7. The shower looks so lovely! Kayla looks stunning! I love your purple dress. Softball pics are precious too. i hope you have a great week.
