Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Let's Look: Our Hometowns Edition


Hi Friends!  Today, I am linking up with Erica and Shay HERE as we look at our hometowns!  How fun!

So...I have a couple of hometowns....

I started my life in Stoneham. It is a suburb of Boston- just 9 miles north of the city.  It may sound familiar as it is the hometown of Nancy Kerrigan- Olympic and World Champion Skater

Fun Fact: I grew up skating in the Stoneham arena and Nancy Kerrigan was often found on the ice at the same time...and often chatting with my instructors...she always had the  "Dorothy Hamel" haircut when she was younger :)  My Dad would sit in the stands watching and chatting with the other Dads and the word was always that she was going to be at the Olympics- so cool


I went to the BEST elementary school EVER...Robin Hood Elementary was the greatest school to grow up in...


 and then I was at the Junior High School for one year and it was pretty miserable- 7th grade was the worst...anyway I digress...back to the best....

I grew up on Essex Street :)  BEST neighborhood for Trick Or Treating


I danced several days a week (shocker) at the E Virginia Williams School of Dance and Feeder Program for the Boston Ballet

 I danced in the Boston Ballet's Nutcracker for 4 years.  In addition to dancing, I was busy with Brownies then Girl Scouts, CCD and eventually Cheer.


Some of the highlights in Stoneham MA included: Hago Harrington's Mini Golf, swing sets at the town parks, The Stone Zoo and Dairy Dome for the best ice cream around.


We moved out of Stoneham and into Andover the summer before I got to 8th grade.  It was a very tough time to move but ended up being a great decision for the education and opportunities we had.  Andover is 20 miles North of Boston.


Andover houses one of the most famous private high schools in the country- Philips Academy.


Such famous people have attended such as: George H.W Bush, George W. Bush, Olivia Wilde, Dick Wolf, John F. Kennedy Jr, Jack Lemmon, Humphrey Bogart, Dana Delaney, James Spader, Patrick Kennedy, Ming Tsai, Bill Belichek and Jeb Bush.


I went to the public high school in town- Andover High


We lived on Larchmont Circle in an awesome neighborhood with tons of kids- we quickly learned the game of flashlight tag that first summer (1986)


My favorite part of high school was cheering.  I was bitten by the "Friday Night Lights" bug...there was nothing more magical then marching to the field on a Friday night with my team...under the lights..the marching band playing...will never forget it!



One of the greatest days in my memory is the day of our pep rally senior year before the big homecoming game..I was crowned Homecoming Queen and felt like I was floating for months after that :)


 It was a tough town to grow up in -very competitive- very wealthy demographic- but did find some good friends.  My family always helped to keep me grounded and growing up with some socioeconomic challenges in school helped me to have the work ethic I have today.


My BFF was Dawn and I never laughed so would always find the two of us finding random things really funny...we got to cheer together and go through the whole awkward stages of puberty and growing up together- we still keep in touch today.


 In high school, I kept busy with Cheer, Church Youth Group, Yearbook Committee and Theater and Chorus.  (I decided to give up dance and traded my dance shoes in for my riding boots. I took horseback riding lessons for a few years)


Some of the highlights in living in Andover MA included: Walking "uptown" on a half day after school, heading to the movies in Dawn's convertible with the top down, Friday Night football games and watching endless hours of MTV ;)



After high school, I lived in Dartmouth MA for four years for college.  I guess you wouldn't consider this a hometown but it was definitely home for me...I miss it every day and loved my years there and all of the people associated with those years- nicest people around.  Go to Dartmouth MA and I will guarantee you will agree with me :)



My current hometown is Windham, NH and I LOVE it here.  I never thought I would move to NH but now wouldn't have it any other way.  I have lived here longer than any other town or home in my life.   I have lived here for 19 years- I can't even believe that!


Windham is 37 miles north of Boston, 35 miles south of Concord NH and 46 miles away from the ocean and from Portsmouth NH (my favorite town in America) 


I feel like we are in close proximity to everything we need and love: The Ocean and beaches, the lakes and parks and woods, the cities and best restaurants and great community theaters, shopping and sports!


 I moved here for my husband and helped him to raise his three older children.  I quickly got pulled into sports practices and games, carpooling and the birthday party circuit.  I became a wife and an instant mom all at once.  Eventually we had our two girls and life has gotten better and better in this sleepy little bedroom town.


What I love about Windham is how our community rallies when someone needs us...I love the school system and the opportunities for our kids...I also love that I met some of my closest friends of my life here...fellow mamas going through the same challenges and joys of village if you will.


I love how happy my husband is here too...we both have become avid volunteers and always feel compelled to give back to this wonderful community.


Some of my favorite things in town include: Searles Castle, Griffin Park, Johnson's Farm, St Matt's Church, Our Schools, The Rail Trail, Village Bean Coffee Shop, The Country Club/Golf Course and our neighborhood...I call it Pleasantville :)



My favorite event all year is the Blackout Cancer Game where our whole town comes together to ralley and raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer.  I guess that is why I felt compelled to jump back in after 10 years and help chair this committee again.


There is no place I rather be during these years...I love raising our girls here and love the life we have created in Windham.


  1. All of your hometowns sound just wonderful!

  2. So interesting and fun to read... I wondered how close to Boston you are since you reference going there quite a bit. It sounds like you have lived in some wonderful places!!

  3. Is a great post! Thank you for sharing. I have never been to that part of the country.

  4. I loved reading this post and I really loved all your pictures! I didn't even think to include old photos...and if I had, I'm not sure I'd have been able to find them. Now I want to look through all of my dad's old photo albums. Thanks for sharing your life with us, my friend!

  5. Such a great post! Loved getting to know more about you!

  6. Great job. My niece and her husband live in Stoneham and my in-laws live in NH. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!
