Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday Favorites (April 29, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  This morning I am waking up in Dartmouth MA with my girls!  Cannot wait until they see my college UMD!  Full recap coming Monday :)

It was a busy week in the blogging world.......

Monday was Hello Monday with Sarah and me HERE

 Tuesday was all about Eva, The Birthday Girl, HERE

 Wednesday was What's Up Wednesday HERE  

and Thursday was Monthly Musings where Patty and I talked all things travel HERE


and I am back for Friday Favorites!  Sharing some faves from our week...Linking up HERE


Rehearsing with the Littles

(This was actually from last week- a friend sent it to me- this is Diana rehearsing with the "Little Feather Dusters" for Beauty and the Best) Warms my heart...




 Fave Eats

Eating The Rainbow





Fave MEMEs


Fave Moments Of the Week

Daddy and Eva Bagel Date


Sisters...better yet...little sis looking at big sis thinking...wait what? ;)


Snuggles with Remi

Buck A Shuck with Besties

That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. Love the lunchbox meme...those were the days, right? Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  2. You were on a blogging roll this week! Love all of the pics as usual and the memes are on point. I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I love "eating the rainbow" many healthy and pretty options! Looks like a great week!
