Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas 2021

 Oh friends what a wonderful holiday season despite all the COVID craziness swirling all around us...feel like we are dodging it at every corner but we were able to spend such quality time with our family and friends and very grateful for that special time, many traditions and delicious food and drinks of course.

It is Monday morning here and I am back to work but going to try to take a little time to spend with my girls this week...

Will be coming back this week with a recap of our year, Monthly Musings on Thursday as we recap 2021 and Friday Favorites....can't neglect this special little place!


Here are some snapshots of all of the Christmas we squeezed in over the last four days...



Special Delivery to the local Soup Kitchen


7th Annual Jammie Christmas and Remi's first one! :)

Setting Up a Holiday Treat and Cocoa Bar for our Middle School Staff with B...Hello 6am!  Ha!


Eva's Homemade Ornament for Mama...squishes my heart!



Lunch and Gift Exchange with the BFF...LOVE my new Ugg Slippers (insert heart-eyed emoji here!)

The Insta-Worthy Shots from Diana's Contemporary Teacher- Ms. Jackie!

Early Christmas Eve Morning- was supposed to be a Family Walk but we let the girls sleep in...ended up still being a Family Walk when Remi joined us...he was sooo excited ;)

Then Rob and I spent most of the day cooking...with Christmas Movies on in the background....and the girls playing...though it was going to be a smaller XMas Eve again...we decided to do seven fishes and it really ended up being 8/9...My mom made a wonderful baked shrimp dish and the "Christmas Eve Pasta" of course...we completed the Italian Catholic "Feast Of The Seven Fishes" with the following:

Shrimp Cocktail, Fried Clams, Scallops Wrapped in Bacon, Crabbies, Air Fryer Salmon, Mushrooms Neptune (famous recipe that includes shrimp, crab and cheeses- to die for!) and Poached Lobster Tails 

After we cooked, we all got ready and headed to mass and then it was back home for the big feast...

Homemade Christmas Cookies and  Yule Log for Dessert...not that anyone had room of course!

Later on, the big kids joined us and everyone was home for Christmas!

Christmas Morning!  Eva woke everyone up at 7am- not too bad!


Santa came!

and Diana learned "Here Comes The Sun on the keyboard for Rob's Christmas Gift from her :)

and then it was time for breakfast complete with Grinch's Mimosas!

Later on, we headed to Mimi and Papa's for a beautiful Christmas Day complete with an old school Italian Dinner of Ravioli and homemade gravy with sausages, meatballs and is exactly what we all needed!


My Mom's Serving Tracy circa 1970...just perfect!

We crashed hard that night....I was exhausted but so grateful to pull it all off this year after some very challenging times...grateful for my people and grateful that I can rest and start fresh again in 2022!


  1. Wonderful pictures of your people and your delicious food! I love the dance pics (of course!) and the one of all of the kiddos + Remi. I am so glad you got to celebrate this year with your loved ones, doing the special big things like get togethers to even the more mundane things like walks and cooking together- it all adds up to a wonderful life and holiday season. Have a wonderful Monday, friend.

  2. What lovely holiday photos you got! I am so bad at remembering to stop and take any pictures; though I did a bit better at a few of our gatherings this year. All the food looks yummy!

  3. It looks (and sounds!) like it was a beautiful Christmas for you all! I'm glad you were able to spend this time together and enjoy the simple, beautiful things, in spite of covid seemingly knocking at every corner. Cheers to the final few days of 2021!

  4. I just love all of your photos and family traditions. We are going to look at Christmas lights tonight, and your description of taking Remi made me remember when we took Albie when he was a puppy. It was fun until he got carsick along the ride...yuck! I think because it was dark in the car and he was sitting on the floor of the back seat. He doesn't go along with us anymore...ha ha! Hope you have a great week!

  5. What a wonderful holiday! I love the dance photos and the dad joke t shirt 😂The food looks amazing! I hope you have a wonderful week!
