Monday, October 11, 2021

Hello Monday and Fall Weekend Recap!



Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  I know it is Columbus Day and a holiday for many but not for me so I decided to recap our weekend!  Here it goes....


Friday Night


The girls are now taking classes at the dance studio on Friday nights too...Diana is taking private voice lessons, hip hop and acting and Eva is joining a hip hop class too...only because she has been begging me! ;)


 Diana and her pal Harry...hamming it up as always

Daddy had a gig so while the girls were at the studio, I went to the liquor store to get everything we needed for Kayla and Marshall's Engagement Party next was so crowded and I needed so many different things that it took me 45 minutes- eek!  After I loaded up the car, I stopped at Pasquale's to pick up dinner and then got the girls right on time.


We had dinner together at home and then crashed...I decided to take my glass of wine upstairs and catch up on my shows in bed...and friends?  It was PURE BLISS after a productive week! :) 





It was time for our date walk and yes it was dark again when we left the the time we get to the golf course, it is light there's that :)


 Saturday mornings have become my new fave because I cherish our date walks and then I sneak in a quick date with Diana before she heads to dance again...we love our little Starbucks dates...holding onto these times as long as I can...while she still likes me and before she heads to college in four short years...sigh...



While Diana was at dance, my parents arrived.  I put out some snacks for the guys and then Eva and I took my Mom to Hobby Lobby for the first time...she has been dying to go and she was in awe!  


She was really into snagging some fall decor and I snagged a Christmas Board for our Holiday Hot Cocoa Station...truth be told, my girls are always requesting Hot Cocoa for dessert...Exhibit A on Saturday (Pidge)


 Here is the cute board I will put out with our Christmas Decor...adorable right?



When we got back to the house, we enjoyed some snacks and I made everyone one of my Caramel Apple Martinis.  You can find the recipe HERE 


and then when Diana got home, my mom helped me measure her for a seamstress who is making her ballet costume for YAGP this year....check it out



and we are working on still finding an appropriate costume for a contemporary piece she is also doing this year..stay tuned!

Then it was time for the day/night we have been waiting for, for the last two years as it was cancelled last year due to COVID - BOO!  The Milford Pumpkin Festival!

We got to take off earlier since the girls didn't have a Nutcracker Rehearsal that afternoon.  It was great to get there earlier and we enjoyed seeing everything in the daylight this year...I did miss some of the spookiness of the dark and know we will enjoy that next year again!


 First stop, as always, The Pasta Loft in the center of town for dinner :)

Then walking around and enjoying all of the hokiness!


Group Shot!


After a few hours, we headed home for mom made her awesome Toll House Pumpkin Cake and I whipped up Ghosts In The Graveyard.  You can find the recipe HERE



Then we took Diana to another sleepover and crashed!




Daddy, Papa and Pidge headed to hockey and I picked Diana up and we grabbed breakfast and headed to mass.  After mass I picked up a couple of things and made a dinner for our neighbors who just moved in.  After that, it was time for several Nutcracker rehearsals and I made dinner for the fam and then relaxed and watched some romance movies for awhile (my fave when it is not Hallmark season yet) 


I really slacked on pictures yesterday! 


Hope you all had an amazing weekend!  Linking up for Hello Monday  HERE




  1. What a great fall weekend! That festival looked like a great way to spend part of fall weekend day. I made the graveyard cake last year on Halloween after you posted about it- I plan to make it again. If you think of it, please share your mom's pumpkin tollhouse recipe. Can't wait to see the costume when it is done. Ballet costumes are the BEST! Good luck with the contemporary costume- there are so many different looks that can work for contemporary. I'm sure you will find a good one!

  2. Those pumpkins at your festival are crazy big!!I have your graveyard cake in my plans this fall and your moms tollhouse cake sounds so good too!! You'll have to share the recipe:)

  3. That’s a great weekend! Your pumpkin festival looks so fun! Isn’t it so wonderful that these traditions are returning? You got some good family time in this weekend. Have a great week!

  4. That hot cocoa sign is lovely! The pumpkin festival looks like a lot of fun.

  5. So much fall fun! The pumpkin festival looks like such a fun tradition, and the pumpkin cake sounds amazing!
