Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What's Up Wednesday (June 2020)

Hi Friends...I can't believe it is the end of June already...time flies when you are dodging a virus...anyway linking up with Sheaffer and Shay HERE 
and sharing what's up with us.....

What We're Eating This Week

Monday- Weekend Leftovers- Grilled Meat and Sides

 (This is my favorite new side- Quinoa and Veggie Salad- promise to share the recipe soon)

Tuesday- Dinner at our Friends the Falsettis

Wednesday- Takeout

Thursday- More Leftovers

Friday- Friday Night Pizza Night

What I'm Reminiscing About

What Life Was Like Pre-Coronoa....having a tough time with so much loss this yeaer

What I'm Loving

All of the outdoor time- our weather in New England has been beautiful - Praise God!

What We've Been Up To

I don't have it in me to share as we are praying for Rob to land a great job...I promise...when I can exhale...I will share all of the special QT we have had and some of the fun and joy we have experienced in the midst of this big storm in our lives

What I'm Dreading

Nothing...too much sadness and scariness in our world right now so trying to find the joy in the little things each day

What I'm Working On

Cleaning up my diet post-quarantine...working out harder at the gym again....and my full time job of course...recruiting and trying to bring in new business in the midst of our recession

What I'm Excited About

Our beaches opening...can't wait to jump in the ocean again....hoping over the next couple of weeks to get there super early and make that happen (before the crowds get bad)

What I'm Watching/Reading

Billions (sucked us back in)

Council of Dads (like this one almost as much as A Million Little Things)


 and my two books for June were....

Regretting You by Colleen Hoover

another edgy and suspenseful love story- she is great and one of my faves!

I am also making my way through Elin Hliderbrand's newest novel- 28 Summers and I am LOVING IT!  Great news too- they are making a motion picture based on the book- she finally got a movie deal- so overdue!!

 What I'm Listening To

Different favorite tunes from some of my besties as I am compiling a list of our favorite songs for a playlist for 4th of July Weekend- yeah!

What I'm Wearing

Shorts....Dresses and Lots of Lilly of course ;)

What I'm Doing This Weekend

We have a birthday pool party on Saturday and then Saturday night Daddy has a gig so the girls are headed to the Batsons and we are having some friends over on Sunday- lots of QT and outdoor time planned- FTW!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

4th of July Weekend at the Lake with our Besties

What Else Is New?

We appreciate all of your prayers and support over the last month...please keep those prayers coming...we are hoping that Rob is close to landing the job he wants!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


  1. That floral top is sooo beautiful on you. I’m glad you’ve been getting together with friends and yay for lsketime coming up!

  2. Quinoa & Veggie Salad, yes please!!

  3. Hoping for a great opportunity for Rob and your family soon!! Looks like some fun times with family and friends. We are all trying to make the best of summer.

  4. I just started 28 Summers yesterday! I love that bright pink to on you. I am trying like crazy to get our eating habits back to normal too... we are snacking on so many sweets so often!

  5. I hope your hubby's job opportunity comes through...such a tough time. So cool about the 28 summers movie! Hope you have a good week!

  6. I hoping Rob’s dream job comes his way soon!!! I love that you keep looking for the joy and all that Lilly certainly brightens things up! I hope you can get in that ocean soon! Have a great day!

  7. I would love the quinoa and veggie salad recipe -- it looks amazing! And add me to the list of people praying your husband gets the perfect job.

  8. Girl, I am praying for you guys so much. It's going to be ok, even if it doesn't feel that way right now. Sending you a big squeeze hug.

    Good Better Best
