Thursday, June 25, 2020

Monthly Musings: Summer Kick Off Edition

Hi Friends!  Hope you will join Patty and me and help us kick off summer!  If you are chatting about summer today, please grab our graphic above and link up below- the more the merrier!  Let's chat about one of our favorite things ever and that is SUMMER...yeah!!!  Here goes nothing...

1. Lake or Beach?

If I had to pick one it would have to be the beach of course...the ocean is my spirit animal...ha!  In recent years, however, I have grown fond of the lake after spending weekends on Lake Winnipesaukee with our friends the McLains...but yes...give me the beach any day of the year!

2. Ice Tea or Lemonade?

Ice Tea all the fact, in summertime, I will sometimes substitute an ice tea for my hot can be so refreshing with a big ole wedge of lemon while waking you up at the same time!

3. Favorite Summer Vacation Memory

It would have to be one of our family road trips and to narrow it down even more, Pennsylvania Dutch Country or Amish Country...and the reason why I went back with Diana and our best friends last year.

4. Favorite Summer Destination

I would have to say New England Beaches and if I had to pick one, Wallis Sands in Rye NH...and then if I could expand on that...after a full day at the beach...head to one of our favorite hotels in nearby Portsmouth NH...pure bliss!!

5. Go To Summer Fashion Item?
Anything Lilly!!  Duh?!  Ha!!

6. Have I ever been water skiing or jet skiing?

That would be a desire...too risky for me

7. Favorite Summer Movie

Well I don't have a choice because both my husband and best friend Cass LOVE Jaws...we even went to see it in the theater last I would say Jaws because it is set on the ocean AND makes my people happy :)

8. Songs That Make Me Think of Summer 

Boys of Summer by Don Henley
Theme From A Summer Place- Percy Faith and His Orchestra
The Theme from Beverly Hills 90210

9. Best 4th of July Story?

Martha's Vineyard- Summer of 2005- everything that could go wrong went wrong- rough ferry ride to make us all sick- Rob got food poisoning- my Dad fell on his bike during our scenic ride and the list went on BUT we have never laughed as hard as we did than on that trip! 

10. Fireworks on the 3rd, 4th or another time?

All of the above?  LOVE seeing fireworks on the 4th but usually our town does them a week before which is an annual tradition (so going to miss this tradition this summer- like so many other things)

Can't wait to read all about your Summer Loves!

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  1. I would love to explore more of the New England beach area. We went to Maine a few years ago, and it was so gorgeous. Thanks for the fun link up!

  2. Isn't it funny that some of the most memorable and funny vacation stories are about some of the worst things that went wrong on the trip?!

  3. I cannot believe that I didn't post Jaws as well. Thank you for joining me in this monthly fun! You are the Best blogging partner.

