Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Last Day Of School 2020

Wow friends....first let's look at the first day of school here on September 3rd, 2019....

Diana entering 6th Grade...

 Eva entering Kindergarten

My Girls on their First Day...who knew what this year would bring them...

It is very hard to look at these pics and at the same time I am so proud of their work, determination and grit over these past three difficult months....they embraced the changes as best as they could...there were many tears along the way and much stress but they prevailed and I want to give them BIG kudos :)

They went 100% remote on Monday March 16th and we all adjusted to at-home/virtual learning AND working at the same time...I am grateful we were able to get into a groove quickly and I can thank my  hubby for having the patience to set us on the right path.

Here we are...June 10th, 2020...our last day of school....we crawled to the finish line this year....happy to be here?  Definite mixed feelings...we will miss the structure but not all of the work and meetings...we are hopeful for summer camp but trying to embrace the uncertainty and still power through our summer list (coming soon) where things will still be fun and much more simple this year....

Without further are my girls on their last day of school!

Eva's Last Day of Kindergarten

Diana's Last Day of 6th Grade

My Girls

That's a Wrap


  1. I love seeing the first & last day pictures, they both grew so much! Hooray for completing the year :)

  2. I love seeing how much all these kids change and grow each year from that first day photo to the last.. even if I never took 1st & last day photos myself (not even when they were in school did I ever think of that). Can't wait to see your summer fun list!
