Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hello Monday...on Tuesday?

Hi Friends...I know a day late....I haven't been good about sharing what we have been up to...we are in that period of surviving...trying to keep anxiety at bay...trying to stay calm and happy around the kids...you know the drill....I am planning on a big ole "Life Lately" post when we can exhale...for now...I wanted to share some glimpses of joy from this past weekend and I am going to start on Thursday night...even though Friday was a work and school day....

Thursday Night

I came home from my first day back in the office...felt so good...and I came home to this picture from Eva...it is supposed to be me in "a Lilly dress"...she said she missed me...she crushes my heart every...darn...time...

I quickly changed and then my "Fab Four" hit up Tuscan Kitchen in Salem NH and we were blown away....it is by far, the best outdoor set up we have seen...you feel like you are in the fanciest restaurant..the decor was just beautiful (wish I had snapped pics) and the food delish as always....only remembered to snap a pic of our cocktails :)

While we were doing this, the dads and kids were grilling and swimming at the McLains...we joined them after dinner and thanks to Cass....she got a few cute pics :)

It was such a lovely night....despite my current worries...it was great to forget...even for a couple of hours


It was time for work and school but I got to sneak out for a quick lunch with besties and make use of my gift card to Copper Door..our favorite restaurant...another welcomed distraction for sure :) and they had my favorite salad on their limited menu FTW!

We are crawling to the finish line with school...how are you all holding up?  Today is actually our last full day and then tomorrow is wrapping up everything...turning in work and technology....will talk further about this tomorrow.....

Back to Friday...that night Shannon and Bethany came over for cocktails, apps and lots of catching up.  Rob went out to play a gig with his band mate Kevin so the ladies could enjoy their girls' night...which we did...immensely...and I have mentioned before...it truly takes a village...so grateful for mine who carry me through these very hard times.....

Anyway, I made us Frose....and it was perfect...going to share the recipe with you all here soon!


While having my coffee, Eva was teaching me her favorite game Ro Blox...she couldn't wait to teach me and I told her I would have time to learn on Saturday...well she was up at the crack of dawn...iPad in hand...very excited :)

(don't mind the Christmas PJ's...I feel like that is all she wants to wear- ha!)

Later, we had a wonderful family day...my parents came up and my father in law got us all lobsters....we grilled and chilled and reminisced and just enjoyed our time together...warmed my heart


This is the day I have been waiting for, for three months...we were able to return to church!  Our church has been open for private prayer but they opened for public masses this weekend and we headed back to mass...yes a bit different...they can only be at 40% capacity right now so we got there 45 minutes before mass started to get seats....we had to wear our masks the entire time (very hard) and sit in every other pew...regardless...we needed it...so glad to be back....I feel like little by little, some normalcy is appearing in our lives....

The rest of the day was so chill....we watched movies and just hung out together....it was a great one!

Linking up with Heather and the Crew HERE


  1. Great news that you were able to return to church. You found so many moments of job despite your tough circumstances right now.

  2. I hear you about praying through anxious times.......I am waiting for biopsy results that should arrive in a week or so🙏🏼. But I will not let that take the joy away from celebrating one of my granddaughters’ ’ 6th birthday Friday! Hugs from this Grandma in Waco, Texas😎

  3. Isn't it wonderful to start returning to NORMAL?!??!

  4. Those are wonderful things to be thankful for!

  5. You're killing me with the cocktails girl, so yummy! You're lil swimmers look so sweet!

  6. You must share that Frose recipe soon!!Glad you had a nice weekend!
