Tuesday, June 2, 2020

It's All Just Too Much

I feel like it is all just too much right now...on top of the Corona virus shutting us in for months...unstable business...Rob's job loss and now this murder and associated violent protests...it is all overwhelming and just too much.

I was going to share a recipe today but I will save it for another day....just doing what I know is best and that is praying and having faith that we will get through this....together

I try to make this a happy and positive place for my readers and it really is a place of joy for me....just ask you to join me in prayer for all those hurting during these times....we all need it.

Keep the Faith...


  1. Thinking of your family and all those hurting. Hang in there!

  2. Well said. Prayer is one thing we can all be doing right now.

  3. Keep praying sweet friend. I am right there with you. Sending you a hug.

