Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Eva's Belated 6th Birthday Treats!

Our Little Eva turned 6 on April 24th.  If you have been reading for awhile than you know she got to enjoy a Birthday Parade complete with members of the Windham Police Department.  You can see that fun HERE

We promised her that Elsa and Anna would come and visit this year too and we kept postponing...when we finally realized we would not be able to have our typical large bday party extravaganza, then we invited over her best friend and made the visit happen last weekend.

It was overwhelming...a very emotional time for us due to so much uncertainty but mixed emotions for sure...Eva's best friend is recovering from a very bad accident and we were grateful that they could finally be together and experience joy together again...lots of smiles and tears all at once...we were are some cute pics and videos...enjoy!


  1. What a sweet time! I'm glad it all worked out for her friend to come over. Anna and Elsa looked great!!

  2. Awwww, so sweet!! Happy she got that birthday Play date!!! Good for the soul!

  3. Thanks for sharing a little bit of normal during these crazy times! And I’m so thankful your daughter’s friend recovered —absolutely adorable girls and such a fun age. Hugs from this Grandma in Waco, TX!

  4. So very cute!


  5. I just love her smiles! What a sweet birthay treat.

  6. OH my goodness what a sweet celebration! So glad she could be with her friend for her big day!!
