Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday Favorites (4th of July Prep Edition)

Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  This week, I thought I would change things about a bit and talk about one of my favorite things of the year, 4th of July Weekend.  Typically we are headed to the beach with my parents but like many other things, our plans got cancelled this year.  I don't want to dwell on the negative though.  I am trying to embrace the change and find the joy all around us...sometimes even in the uncertainty.

This year, our friends, the McLains, invited us up to their lake house for the big weekend. We are all so excited.  We are planning some great fun and it is sure to be a weekend to remember!  

Here are a few staples that will ensure the joy is around us.....

Lilly Pulitzer Cover Up

My favorite thing to do at the McLain's is ride around Lake Winnipesaukee on their is so much fun...we always jump in the lake a time or two and also sometimes grab ice cream...we make sure the music is cranked and laughs ensue...the kids have an absolute ball as do we!  I have been searching for a Red, White and Blue Cover Up for years and this year I finally lucked out!  I not only found a Red, White and Blue one BUT it also happens to be LILLY!  Kid you not...thanks again to my best pal Ebay for coming through for me again...check it out!


I promised Laurel that I will make a big batch or two of Frose so we can enjoy when we get back to the house AND I snagged these new chips to go with.  Have you heard of these wine chips?  Well I picked the Manchego flavored ones as they are supposed to pair well with rose- stay tuned BUT I see them becoming a new fave for sure ;)

Don't Forget The Kids

Going to make these adorable, patriotic treats for the kiddos too :)

Adult Games

We always get silly when we play card games in this friend group and we snagged this new game...guaranteed belly laughs!  Can't wait :)


Just started Elin Hilderbrand's new book and will most likely be finished by the 4th of July but it is just an example of a book I will take out on the deck early Sunday morning with my coffee....pure bliss!  It is even better when my bestie Cass joins me...we are always the early birds!


Love surprising the kids with fun things and I snagged this patriotic pack on Amazon so they can be decked out all...weekend...long...

So what do you have planned for the 4th?  I want to hear about all of your fun!

Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


  1. Can't wait to hear your review on the wine chips! Diving in to a Hilderbrand novel is the perfect start to the day :)

  2. Oh! I need to try those wine chips. They would be great for the pool. I love the Lilly cover up and I think this year is going to be the year of the lake! We are looking at some lake options too.

    Happy weekend beautiful!

  3. Sounds like you are going to have an amazing 4th of July weekend!!! I love that cover-up, and no, I haven't heard of wine chips! Keep us posted!!

  4. My husbands family owns a cottage just down the road from us (literally we just walk there) and we all voted to have our annual party as usual so we're looking forward to that. We have a few yummy new recipes we're hoping to try out. Those m&m bars look delicious!

  5. I love all of your patriotic fun! That Lilly coverup has had my eye too! It’s so perfect for the 4th at the lake! Have a great weekend!!

  6. Super cute cover up! The lake weekend will be so much fun! Enjoy your weekend sweet friend XO

  7. I think I need that Patriotic Pack from Amazon too!!
