Thursday, June 18, 2020

Burratta, Tomatos and Peaches

Hi Friends...if you have been reading for awhile, you know I love to cook and put fun dishes together.  Our friends had us over for dinner last weekend and their son Caden, is an amazing cook.  He has had a passion for it since he was a child.  He was going to be cooking us dinner and blessing us with his famous chicken risotto.  My friend Laurel told us to bring an app or a salad to go with the risotto and I was excited to have this challenge.

I ended up putting together a fun summer is easy...delish...and oh so Italian.

You can serve it as an appetizer board or a salad.  It is really flexible, beautiful and delicious!

Here is what you will need:

1lb. burrata- we got ours at a nearby specialty Italian market but you can snag some at your local Whole Foods or Trader Joes- you want burrata and not your typical store-bought mozzarella- burrata is mozzarella, hand-stretched in its most natural form (insert heart-eyed emojis here)

6 roma tomatoes, sliced

4 peaches, sliced

 1 bunch of basil (if you are growing it like we are, here is your chance to use a big ole bunch!)

1 container of arugula

Seasonings and Garnishes- I went with truffle oil, truffle honey, salt and pepper and slices of crusty French bread 

Here is how to assemble this masterpiece:

 Slice up your tomatoes and peaches and set aside

Lay your arugula down first 

 Place your burrata in the center of the board on top of the arugula

 Then around your platter, layer tomatoes, peaches and basil pieces

Season with your condiments and add extra for dipping later

Add bread to the platter for serving

Enjoy this perfect dish for Summer!


  1. That looks delicious! Peaches are such a great summer food!! Have a great day!

  2. That looks delicious!! Pinned.

  3. Yum and yum! This looks so simple and a great way to capture summer flavors!
