Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Favorites (Eva's 6th Birthday Edition!)

Hi Friends!  We made it through Week 6 of Quarantine- we should all be proud!

Today's Friday Favorites is being dedicated to our Little Eva who is turning 6 today- yeah Pidge!!

Our daughter completed our family on April 24, 2014- she was a blessing.  Since Diana was sick her entire first year, we thought that would probably happen with Eva too but she surprised us all.  As a Mama, I was actually able to feed her and she kept her formula down.  I would stand over her, watching her sleep, waiting for her to get sick...and she didn't.  Then when she would wake up, she would always be smiling...pure Joy...and I always said we should've named her joy! :)

She amazed us all at how kind she was from day one....she was and is always thinking about people's feelings and she is a great snuggler too!

She would let us take her anywhere...still does...when we were at our friends' pool in the summer, she would sit in her booster seat for hours playing and "talking" and eating snacks...and never complaining...again pure joy!

She is and was always a great eater...we always joke that the kid never misses a meal (just like Mama) :)

Although she went to daycare a few days a week, she remained pleasant and shy...until... 

She hit Kindergarten...then her personality really came out!  She cracks up her teachers and friends and has made some special bonds...Eva is funny...very direct and sometimes doesn't have a filter...we usually laugh but sometimes get worried that she may say the wrong thing to the wrong person! Ha!

She loves playing hockey, Frozen, Descendants, Zombies, Jo Jo Siwa, playing Road Blocks, reading, eating and doing ballet with Mrs. Mullen!

She also wants to be a police officer when she grows up just like Officer Matt!  She wants to "keep people safe and get the bad guys!"

 So My Little's birthday is very different and I am so sorry because I know you are having a hard time understanding...Mama's heart is breaking too...but we will rally as we always do and friends will do a birthday parade for you today at lunch time and we will have some cake and presents tonight and do what we can to honor you...our Baby...our special girl...Happy 6th Birthday!

Linking up with the lovely ladies, as always, HERE


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet girl!


  2. Happy Birthday Eva! What a cutie pie! Oh this mamas heart breaks too but I know you’re making it as special as you can for your darling girl!

  3. Happy Birthday Eva!! She sounds a bit like my youngest--no filter either:) Hope she has a great day!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Eva!! I loved a look at her & her personality over the years, so is so so sweet and funny too :) Celebrate big today precious girl <3

  5. Happy birthday Eva!! She does sound like pure joy!! I love her smile!! Have a great weekend celebrating!!

  6. Happy Birthday Eva! She's so cute and sounds like a lot of fun! My second daughter (third child) just turned 6 in January. She doesn't have a filter either ha!

  7. Aw, I hope she has the best birthday! Funny enough we're celebrating my oldest today who turned 16!!
