Monday, April 27, 2020

Eva's Birthday Weekend (Quarantine Style)

Happy Monday Friends!  Despite being in quarantine, I hope you all found at least some joy over the weekend...we sure did.

We were determined to celebrate Eva and make her birthday feel special...she turned 6 on Friday and she has had a hard time understanding what  this virus is all about.

As I have written before here, our kids are amazing us.  We hide our fears and insecurities from them and I am so grateful we are strong enough to do that because for the most part, they are resilient.  Don't get me wrong, there have been tears throughout but all in all, they are keeping positive.

Friday was a magical day for Eva.  We started the day with presents and with an ice cream sundae for breakfast :)

(Truth be told, she took a bite and then asked me to make her a breakfast I did..the kid kills me)

Then she got some school work done...we added extra work earlier in the week so she could have a light day on Friday/her bday :)

During her class Zoom call, her teacher and fellow students sang for her and she was SO HAPPY :)

and then she listened to her school's morning announcements and ejoyed her Bday shoutout from Mr. Blair!


Then a few minutes before 12noon we all went outside to wait for her birthday parade.  There is a group in town that created these birthday party parade events and we couldn't be more grateful....Eva was shocked and just kept waving...she was so overwhelmed, she didn't know what to do!  Please don't mind me blubbering in the background...I was a mess...cried the whole touched by our friends and this great town once again...and Rob surprised us all when he got the police to take part in the parade too...Eva wants to be a police officer and boy was she shocked!  

The bonus was that the photographer from the newspaper showed up as he is doing a story on the birthday parades...we know him from the dance studio and from his work around have seen his pictures here on the blog and he is so talented!  Thank you once again Chuck Swierad!

The rest of her birthday weekend consisted of socially distant visits and presents from Mimi and Papa, Uncle Matt, The Fourniers and of course cake....we even got a surprise driveway visit from Auntie Janie....Mama's work bestie....thank GOD...just wish we could hug her...friends also sent us pics of the posters they made that also made her day...and she couldn't have asked for anything more....she said it was the "best birthday!" YEAH!!!!!

The rest of the weekend was also filled with pieces of joy...Mama's Zoom with her besties....a.k.a oxygen :)

and then during Rob's FB Live show on Saturday night, Diana joined him for a  song...they let me video it earlier in the day when they were rehearsing so going to share it is "Mean" by Taylor Swift....

When they were performing, my friend Judy sent me a pic to show me that they were enjoying their fire pit while listening along...Exhibit A

Yesterday, Diana got to participate in a Triple Threat Zoom Call where her Theater Director and Coaches were giving audition tips and getting the kids pumped up for their summer camp (even if it may look different).  We then video'd her audition song and slate as well as Eva's...oh my word...we were dying...Pidge!!!  I will include the videos below here so I have them....

Last night, we wrapped up our weekend with a family Face Time call...always fun catching up with the big kids AND they always have good tech tips for me of them so much! :)

That's a wrap!  Hope you had a joyous weekend too!

Linking up with Heather and the crew HERE


  1. So glad that she was still able to have a fun birthday!

  2. Aw, it definitely sounds like her birthday was extra special this year!! Since we began homeschooling (8+ years ago now) we started taking our birthdays off from school as a holiday and my boys just love whenever anyone in the house has a birthday now.

  3. It looks like you made Eva’s birthday so special!! How fun to have the police join the parade!! I’m glad you had a great weekend Holly! Happy Monday!

  4. What a fun Mom- sundaes for breakfast?! :) I am glad she was able to have a special birthday, despite what's going on.

    Ashley //

  5. Ice cream for breakfast & then she passed on it, oh I just love how much Eva induces laughs! That cake looked spectacular too, glad her day was made!
