Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Day in the Quarantine Life

It is a challenge right now to keep some normalcy in our daily lives, however, I have found that structure and routine really help, now and even during our "normal lives"...thought I would share how we have been doing quarantine life....keep in mind...we are staying calls and meetings happen at different times.... and when there is sunshine we try to steal a walk outside...sometimes Rob or I have to run to the store for a few things...during all of this, I am striving to have a positive mental attitude, keep my faith and show strength....


My alarm goes off (that is really kind of late for me- usually I am up between 4 and 5 to either hit the gym or get on the road for the office but I have a little extra time right now so 6 am it is)

I head downstairs to my office...put on an uplifting show On Demand or movie (typically a love story) and get to work (exercise) on my new spin bike


I am at my desk with my coffee, doing my devotionals, catching up on blogs and blogging and then  getting to work. Rob gets up and gets going 

8:00 am 

We wake the girls up for breakfast and then they start their school work by 8:30 

8:30am- 12:00pm
Is School Work and Our Work- Rob has been doing most of the supervision with the school work but we do divide and conquer.  My work focus has been more on reach outs to clients and candidates to see how they are managing during this is stressful for all of us but I am trying to move forward the best way I know how  

12:00 Noon

Quick lunch break and then back at it

12:30-3:00 pm
Work and School Work and sometimes the school work has to be finished up after dinner- Eva is usually done before 3 but Diana, being in 6th grade, has much work.  It is challenging but we are so grateful for our school district - they are ensuring that our kids do not fall behind during this time!

3:00-6:00 pm

While we continue doing work, I also start dinner.  Meal planning has been even more helpful during these times

Here is our menu this week:

Monday- Grilled Steak Tips, Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Potatoes

Tuesday- Roasted Turkey Breast, Green Beans, Smashed Potatoes and Homemade Apple Sauce

Wednesday- Chicken Quesadillas with Celery and Carrotts

Thursday- Breakfast for Dinner- Eggs, Sausage, Toast and Berries

Friday- Make Your Own Pizzas again! 

During this time, the girls have enjoyed taking their virtual dance and voice has really made a difference and has helped to keep the spirits up!

Here is what that schedule looks like:

Monday- Diana Ballet 4:15pm-5:00pm and Voice 5:00pm -5:45pm

Tuesday- Diana Pointe 4:15pm-5:00pm 

Wednesday- Eva Ballet 3:00pm-3:45pm and Diana Ballet 4:00p -5:00pm (This week her class was taught by the pros who have danced in our Nutcracker!  Sterling Baca and Nayara Lopez from PA Ballet taught her class last night and she was over the moon excited! Rob and I tried to crash the class but we got kicked out- not sure why? Ha!)

Thursday- Diana Jazz 3:15 pm-4:00pm and Tap 4:00pm-4:45pm 

Since Diana dances more than Eva, we let Eva be on electronics during this time

Each night, we all get free time.  The girls will play together or watch a movie or play on electronics...chatting with friends...etc

Rob and I have been enjoying The Office.  We started at the beginning and we are watching it all over again.  It is helping us to laugh during this crazy time.  (Did you hear about John Krasinski's and Steve Carell's new initiative?  They started a YouTube channel called SGN which stands for "Some Good News".  They are sharing good news and funny memories from the office and helping us all to take a break from COVID- 19 and all the sad news around us)

At night, I have also taken some time out to do Face Time  and Zoom calls with different friends and that has really helped to lift spirits too :)  

Tina always makes us laugh so stomach hurt this week from laughing so hard...girl's got talent


Time for the girls to go to bed


Proud to say I am still hitting the hay nice and early!

This is us...during quarantine...keeping it real...just trying to are you holding up friends?  


  1. I love yall have a schedule! Next week is our spring break and after that we have to get on a schedule bc our schools have been canceled for the year!

  2. That is a great schedule and it sounds like it is working well. I love day in the life posts, even if they are during these wacky times. I agree that meal planning is clutch right now. If I don’t have a plan, dinner is a struggle. Have a great day!!

  3. We are also typically up between 4 and 5 am and I have been setting my alarm for 5:15 am and it does help with the exhaustion factor.

    I am going to check out that devotional book. It looks like a Good one.

    Stay well sweet friend!

  4. It is amazing how tiring the days are and we don't even leave home! This work and school from home thing is a serious gig.
