Monday, March 30, 2020

Hello Monday and Hello Week 3 of Quarantine

Hi Friends....hope you are all hanging in there...staying healthy...staying safe and finding some joy in the midst of social distancing...

For me... a true extrovert...I am having a really hard addition to not having my social connections...everything I knew...all the joy I found in life...has been ripped away....

I can't go into the office....I can't go to church...I can't go to the gym....I can't watch Eva play hockey and I can't watch Diana dance....I can't go to the beach...or the golf course....and I can't see my friends or colleagues...yikes...didn't want to start a Monday like this...feeling sorry for myself....but that is just where I am right now...and I want to look back and remember this...or do I really? my mission in life is to "Follow The Joy"...I am trying....for my kids and my husband...and putting on a brave is what our weekend looked like.....

Friday Night

 We wound up our work-from-home and home- schooling for the week and made homemade pizzas...the girls were so excited about this all week long and I was so proud of how hard they worked on them AND ate them after FTW!  :)

A local ice cream shop in Bedford NH, called "The Inside Scoop" was also running a special promotion.  You could get a quart of ice cream and four toppings for $18 and the proceeds were going to the Nurses of NH.  We were in!  I picked up this fun dessert and we indulged after dinner Friday night.  Papa Bob even joined us and we had some laughs :)  P.S.Their ice cream was SO GOOD!

After that, Mama and Daddy joined some friends for a "Virtual Couples Block Party" compliments of Zoom :)  Boy did we have some laughs...I got a kick out of the guys coming in and out...seems like the ladies are the only ones who can stay on screen and chat for a long time- ha!

It was encouraging for me to hear about business from some business leaders I really respect...though it is challenging right now...everyone is pushing forward and knows that our economy will bounce back and very quickly when it does!  Keeping the faith!


We got lots of outdoor time since the weather was cooperating.  Daddy and Papa Bob took the hockey rink down and made some trips to the transfer station to purge some things in the garage.  The girls played so much outside and enjoyed some sidewalk chalk....

 and I took the girls for a walk to the golf course....very depressing when we got to the entrance....

So...until we meet again my friend....

After this, the girls stayed outside and I watched one of my favorite movies, Mrs. Doubtfire...I laughed and cried....later on we had takeout...we are trying to support one local business per week...this week it was Jocelyn's Mediterranean of Salem.  It did not disappoint...and we all ate our dinner and watched the Triple Threat show from last summer...I always cry when I watch Diana as Matilda...but they are happy tears so there's that!


It was a great day to get some indoor projects done because it was rainy and cold outside.  The girls did a great job cleaning their rooms and Daddy caught up on laundry.  I continued my closet project and made the most progress I have....put together several bags for donations!

 After groceries and meal planning, I made us a yummy chicken dinner and then we stopped by our church and brought some donations for the Shepard's Pantry- they are running low on different supplies and we wanted to do our part.

and I may have played around with Google's new 3D feature...we laughed so hard....

We wrapped up our weekend by driving to Freemont (about 30 minutes away) and enjoying a holiday light show (at 51 Pond Lane).  This family who does a holiday light show each December, decided to turn the lights back on and bring some joy to folks during this difficult time.  My bestie Jill knows how much I love Christmas and lights and sent me the did not disappoint.  It brought us some joy and lifted our spirits for sure!

We also got to tune into 88.5 and enjoy the light show set to cool!

Hope you all stay healthy and strong this week...we are determined to! 

Linking up with Heather and the Crew HERE


  1. I love Christmas lights as well, I’ll have to see if someone is doing a light show in our area. I’m so glad you took a road trip I got to see this, definitely lifts the spirits! I know this is so hard my beautiful friend, but remember what a good mom you are and how safe and healthy you are keeping your family! Virtual hugs to you!

  2. My husband was saying he'd read some people were putting out Christmas lights. We saw a couple of houses on our walk yesterday that had some (of course I wasn't sure if it was a redo or procrastination...LOL) Y'alls homemade pizza looks yummy. I'm sure the girls did enjoy that. This whole stay at home thing isn't much different for me, so I really feel for people like you who are typically on the run. I'm sure that makes it way more challenging. I totally agree that I think the economy will bounce back and quickly at that. Hang in there sweet girl. XOXO

  3. Yummy pizzas! Love that you made a trip for Christmas lights and so awesome that they put them up! I am sending big hugs & love your way right now, I hope you feel them XO

  4. Pizza and Ice Cream sounds like a great kick off to the weekend! I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling.. it is such a difficult time for so many that I am trying like crazy to focus on the good in each day (and some days that is a struggle). I think it's great to share it and document it on your blog because that is real.

  5. Loving the pizza and ice cream night. It is so hard for us extroverts isn't it! Stay well sweet friend. We are on lockdown until June 7th here in VA.

  6. How fun to see those Christmas lights! We have been making homemade pizzas too--it is our new Sunday tradition. I wish our favorite ice cream shop would continue to sell pints of ice cream!!
