Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What's Up Wednesday (March 2020)

This is my favorite post of the month and normally I would love reliving the past month...but not right now...I am still striving to follow the joy but it is much more challenging this month for obvious reasons.  Regardless, this community is very good at lifting each other up so let's focus on the joy...the positives and hopefully we will look back and be proud of the way we "did life" when our worlds were turned upside down.  Linking up with the ladies HERE

What We're Eating This Week

Monday Chicken Burgers, Cucumbers and Chips

Tuesday Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup
Find the Recipe HERE (Requested specifically by my girls- I guess everyone is craving some comfort right now)

Wednesday Pasta/Veggie Pasta with Homemade Meat Sauce (and letting the girls make cookies for dessert)

Thursday Marry Me Chicken with Broccoli and Rice
Find the Recipe HERE 

Friday Make Your Own Pizzas (Should be a fun way to wind down the week!) 

What I'm Reminiscing About 

What life was like pre-quarantine...trying to stay positive but constantly battling sadness and anxiety at the same time....just holding onto the joy as much as possible....

What I'm Loving is helping us to move forward with both work and school and I have never been more grateful

One of my clients helped me learn Zoom and the girls have been enjoying virtual dance lessons utilizing Zoom as well!  This week, they will also have some conversations with their teachers utilizing the app too- it is a miracle to me!

What We've Been Up To

(You will see how quickly things changed when we looked back over the last month...but I am treasuring it all...remembering it all....and learning how everything changed us...hopefully for the better) 

We enjoyed our family trip to the Bahamas- lots of QT in the sun- just what the doctor ordered :)

Diana and Lucy placed 1st in Windham for the National PTA Reflections Contest in the category of Dance Choreography

Eva went up a reading level and was so excited with her prize- Vampire Teeth!

On the weekends, we helped Daddy Campaign Hard

and celebrated a successful Election Day when he won another term!

We LOVED watching Diana dance in the 2020 LDA/AAB Performance Awards...she met her goal of Gold with Distinction AND was also awarded a scholarship to the AAB Summer Program in Pennsylvania (unfortunately now due to COVID-19 and all of the uncertainty, it is most likely impossible to send her this year and my heart is breaking)

Diana and Lucy then placed 1st in the State of NH for the National PTA Reflections Contest in the category of Dance Choreography- we enjoyed watching them be awarded at the NH ceremony

and then we enjoyed a few lasts for awhile...uncertain for how long....

and from last Sunday on....we have been adjusting to this new and temporary normal....

Daddy was sworn in for school board and Shannon snapped pics and a video for us because we could not attend in person

The girls started their virtual school work and learning on Wednesday and we are trying to get into a groove between work and school.  They also started virtual ballet classes with Mrs. Mullen as well as tap and jazz classes with their other teachers

We enjoyed Face Time calls with the fam and Mama did with her friends too....because desperate times!

The girls have been helping make dinner here and there....

and first thing every morning, we have been enjoying Family Workout Time

Saturday called for a trip to church so we could do our very own Stations Of the Cross and then a trip to Griffin Park (our old friend)- while Mama and Daddy exercised the girls had some fun on the playground 

(the playgrounds in town have now closed too since)

and all weekend long....our family celebrations became unique and "Quarantine Style Celebrations"

Mimi's Birthday Celebration had to be put off until all of this is over but we did enjoy some face time calls with her XO

 Daddy Daughter Dance- Home Edition

and we were able to have a Birthday Lunch for Papa Bob on Sunday...small, simple and quality time to brighten his day

What I'm Dreading

Trying not to think about when the kids will go back to school...dreading extensions but praying and hoping that it is this school year so they can feel some normalcy again

What I'm Working On

My Job....pushing business forward and helping my kids with school work...that is taking up most of my time right now...I am sure like most of you!

What I'm Excited About

Well trying to be anyway and praying that we are able to celebrate Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday in Church...praying hard

What I'm Watching/Reading

Good Girls (SO FLIPPIN' GOOD!)

A Million Little Things


This Is Us

American Housewife

and we are back into American Idol- really enjoying it!

So, one of my books this month, as you will see is "Little Fires Everywhere" by Celeste Ng AND they came out with a seven part series on Hulu...they released the first three episodes early due to the Quarantine SO I enjoyed those as I made my way through the book and have four more to look forward to starting tonight and then each Wednesday night until the finale!  It stars two of my faves too- Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington

My Books for this month were

You're Not Alone 

by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
 Hendricks and Pekkanen did not disappoint- I love their books- all thrillers and they know how to keep you on the edge of your seat- this one was about a witnessed suicide and the all the back stories ....oh my good!

and as mentioned above

Little Fires Everywhere
by Celeste Ng

another thriller and I loved this one even more as it took place in stories that involve families in suburbia and then throw in a thrill and I am a goner!

What I'm Listening To

Haven't been in the car much but when I am exercising it is usually one of my workout mixes which always includes some Jonas Brothers :)

What I'm Wearing

Right is a lot of workout clothes but I dress in business casual attire when I have had some zoom calls....we are in survival mode right now....not even thinking about fashion

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Praying....Exercising...Cooking....More Quality Time On Tap

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

Hoping and praying that we can enjoy some social time again...especially when it is time to celebrate Eva's Birthday 

What Else Is New?

Just trying to survive


  1. Are you as exhausted as I am friend? Just trying to keep it all together and stay safe. I think we are all going to have to get creative with the April birthdays!

    Stay well and see you tomorrow for our Monthly Musings link up.


  2. Sending you all the LOVE right now Holly! It is crazy how quickly things changed. You are a strong woman, wife, and mother. We will all get through this!

  3. I'm so proud of you!! I cried during the season finale of This is Us last night. And WE LOVE American Idol. Hang in there beautiful babe!

  4. I watch pretty much all those same shows (but one that I'm going to go search for right now!). I just finished Little Fires Everywhere last month in anticipation of Hulu's series. I like the series but I am always disgruntled at how the screen changes even some of the small plot lines found in a book. I will definitely be watching all the episodes though for sure!

  5. Little Fires everywhere was so good and now I am watching the TV series on Hulu--so good! Praying life gets back to normal soon too.

  6. I'm catching up a bit late with my WUW reading. My son is missing out on a once in a lifetime summer program because of this and it is so hard :( My daughter is really missing her dance classes. She said, "They're not the same over Zoom Mommy" and I see her point. This is so hard, especially on the kids.

    They haven't completely cancelled our school year here. We usually go until the end of June so I'm really hopeful the kids will be able to go back to school at least for a couple of weeks and feel like they've been able to see their friends and teachers again.

    I also read You Are Not Alone and LOVED it. The ending completely caught me by surprise!
