Thursday, March 12, 2020

2020 Windham Election

Hi Friends!   First of all, I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.  As a worry wart, I am trying to stay calm, be vigilant and do what I know is right.  This scare, however, especially when you watch the news every day, has us on edge.  I pray it passes quickly.

 So....after being off from work on Tuesday, I needed to catch up and power through yesterday so I am just getting around to gathering my thoughts at 5am on Thursday...ha!

Tuesday was our Town Election Day and.......

Rob won a seat on the school board again...he was successful at getting re-elected and will serve another three year term...yeah!

Tuesday was one of my favorite days of the year...I love helping him by standing at the polls and talking to different community members and friends...all day and all night...I guess that means I am an extrovert?  Ha!  I even got to catch up with a few clients and candidates which made it even more fun.

As Rob always says, it is such a humbling experience...especially when people you don't even know come up to him and compliment him on his work...tell him he has their votes and thanks our family for the sacrifice...there were many of those moments on Tuesday.

The girls were also there for much of it and completely got bitten by the political was hysterical.  My Father In Law needed to take them to dance and home and they didn't want to made us chuckle!

Anyway, it was a successful election year...our two favorite candidates were elected to the two open seats on the School Board and all of the school ballot articles passed which shows a complete support of our educational initiatives- yeah!  Great things happened on the town side too but I am always super-focused on our school side!

Snapped a few pics throughout the day (of course)....and thanks for following along!

When the polls closed at 8pm, we broke down our tent and station, packed it up and then headed into the gym to wait for the results....nervous selfie here....

and VICTORY...the two winners...yeah!

Rob gets sworn in next Tuesday night....we can't wait to be there to support is such an honor and privilege to be involved at this level and he never takes it for granted!