Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What's Up Wednesday (September 2019)

It is the end of September already?  WOW!  Usually I hate starting to feel cold but this year....we still have summer temps in these parts....FTW!

Linking up with Sheaffer and Shay HERE and sharing "What's Up" with us!

What We're Eating This Week

Monday- Trader Joe's Chicken Fried Rice for the Kiddos and Healthy Homemade Stir Fry for Mama and Daddy

Tuesday- Taco Bowls with Cucumbers
You can see my recipe HERE 

Wednesday- Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti
You can find my recipe HERE

 Thursday- Pork Chops, Green Beans, Roasted Potatoes and Apple Sauce

Friday- It's the Annual Black Out Cancer Football Game so we will be tailgating with friends- this means the kids can have fun snack foods and the moms make yummy things for the adults- one of my favorite nights all year and for the best cause

What I'm Reminiscing About

Bus Stop Moments

Some of my favorite moments of my life....treasure them

What I'm Loving

How excited my hubby is about his new company AND so very grateful for this opportunity for our family- it is so true what they say- when one door opens, a bigger better door opens up....and prayers work...plain and simple...we had to go through hell to get to this better side and couldn't have asked for a bigger and better opportunity- so very excited for my hubby and our fam- thank you again for all of your private prayers, messages and support...I will never forget them XO

What We've Been Up To

Well...finally going to recap August AND September...

 Daddy installed a hammock in Miss Thing's Bedroom and she couldn't be more excited :)

Diana was thrilled to have her Dance Pals over

Diana and Mama enjoyed seeing Caden's play at DRT

and then came home to see Eva's homemade sign in an attempt to keep Diana out.  She said that it reads "Do Not Disterve"- we were dying! 

We celebrated our 15 year wedding anniversary in Boston- thanks to my Father In Law and Best Friend Cass who treated us to a lovely time out!

While we were gone, Papa spoiled the always!

We enjoyed outside time on our deck with besties...

and loved our Annual Trip to Santa's Village and Story Land with the Graham Fam...more supportive besties...forever thankful

Mama enjoyed a Prisoner Wine Dinner with Besties

Wine Group in August was a Lobster Bake courtesy of Cass and it was amazing!

Little Miss Diana turned 11- no I cannot believe it!  She spent some time with friends and family over the course of her "Birthday Weekend"

and while celebrating Miss Thing...we also celebrated Papa Pete!

Eva loved spending time with her Bestie Sophie- they are getting their band back together- ha!

We celebrated Janie turning 60!

and there was more time on the deck....

Papa Bob made Mama an individual Chicken Pot Pie to say..."I'm thinking of you and know how hard you are working"....always there for me...I am blessed

Diana enjoyed many ballet classes over the summer!

and Eva loved riding the bus....

and meeting her new teacher Mrs. Q!

My besties suprised me with cake and fun.....

and treated me to an awesome night out as I turn 46!

We got one last beach day in over Labor Day Weekend!

and enjoyed a Lobster Bake at Lea's on Labor Day!

We celebrated Matt and My Birthdays with Mimi and Papa- they took us out for breakfast and made a cake that we enjoyed back at home!

We got our "Back To School Haircuts!"

and....we went BACK TO SCHOOL!

and started another season of dance- everyone is now at LDA- insert bells ringing here!

Eva returned for another season of soccer!

and there was more fun with friends especially as we got to exhale and celebrate Daddy landing a great new job!

We decorated for Fall!

We celebrated Laurel and Jeanine's Bdays when I made Lobster Fra Diavlo and got special cakes from our fave bakery, Sugar N Spice

My Brother and I put on a fun surprise party for our parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary

The girls tried out for the Nutcracker- Eva's first year- woohoo!

and we celebrated when they got cast as a Party Girl and Baby Doll :)

Our friend Joe cooked for us when his wife Jess hosted us for our monthly Wine Club- he always wears medical gloves which I give him a hard time for ;)

and we enjoyed the Annual Newport Wine and Food Festival in Newport RI with friends for the 5th year in a row!

What I'm Dreading

Nothing at the in the moment and "Following The Joy"

What I'm Working On

I am swamped with work- always love busy and strong markets- they make my job much more fun- trying to have a strong finish to this year and come out of the gate strong in 2020!

This one cracked me up!

What I'm Excited About

All of the Halloween Fun- costumes- carving jack-o-lanterns, parties and of course Trick Or Treating with the littles!

What I'm Watching/Reading

Still on my Dance Moms Marathon- up to Season 6!

The Affair

Finished the entire and only season of My So Called Life- loved it again!  Brought back many memories of my high school and college years in the 90's- best decade ever!

and can't wait for A Million Little Things to return this week!

and my two books for September were...

Behind Closed Doors by B.A Paris 

What a thriller-terrified me and kept me turning the pages to find out what would happen- eek!  You think you know're wrong!

and Confessions of an Edgy Suburban Mom by Pam Grimes

Hysterical- laughed throughout and could relate to the topics in so many of the chapters- great light read!

What I'm Listening To

It is pretty much what the girls request/I want on the way to and from the dance studio...we have a couple of shared are some recent ones

Calm Down- Taylor Swift

Me- Taylor Swift (featuring Brenden Urie )

Sucker by The Jonas Brothers

and Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons

What I'm Wearing

Lots of Lilly of course!

These finds were courtesy of can still find them there or on Poshmark....I am partial to Ebay of course...always have the best luck buying and selling is the only way I can afford such fashion!

What I'm Doing This Weekend

We have the Annual Blackout Cancer Game to go to on Friday night and then Mama and Daddy are leaving at half time to attend a friend's Surprise 40th!  Saturday will be some fall decorating inside and organizing in between Nutcracker rehearsals.  Sunday means our first week of CCD (I am teaching Diana's class this year and I have to admit, I am kinda nervous- eek!) Then we have mass, groceries and whatever other fall fun we can squeeze in...and another Nutcracker rehearsal of course :)

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Halloween of course!

What Else Is New

My prayer groups have started up again and I have so missed them.  The larger one is even better this year...I LOVE my table...we all just click and I know we are going to have so much fun...we have already planned a night out together and a play date for our kids...grateful I am making friends who have kids Eva's age now too...really warms my heart...and I so need it :)

What's up with YOU? ;)


  1. Goooooooo Rob! And that pasta with the chicken and broccoli looks so Good! Have a Good week lovely friend.


  2. Looks like a fun filled month with good food, friends and family!!
