Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday Favorites (Cast List Edition)

All I have to say is.......

This has been a long...hard week!  Rob has been in training all week in PA and flies home tonight- we missed him but we rallied- I am kinda proud of us- of support from my Father In Law AND my awesome boss...(Thank God) but I am raising the "Praise God" hands today and ready to exhale and celebrate Friday and Newport Weekend!

Linking up with the ladies, per usual, HERE

Here are some faves from your week

Nutcracker 2019!

The girls both tried out for the Nutcracker last Sunday...we have been on pins and needles until the cast list came out yesterday.  We are so excited for them.  Diana will be playing a Party Girl and an Angel and Eva will be playing a Baby Doll- we are so excited....these are exciting years for sure....Diana is hoping to get that dream role Clara over the next few is the American Dream isn't it?  Ahhh......

The Tryouts

Waiting for the Cast List this week (pretending that we are not though)

and celebrating their roles!

Anniversary Party Videos

Was able to get a couple anyway...and wanted to share them here...first we have Rob and Eva's "Jitterbug" before anyone arrived...second we have the big surprise and third we have my Dad doing one of his all time faves AND the theme song of our Boston Red Sox "Sweet Caroline" ....enjoy!

TJ's Fall Haul

On Wednesday, I shared my TJ's Fall Haul HERE
The Fall Harvest Salsa has already become a FAVE!

A Few Fave MEMEs from the Week

 Newport Fashion Prep

I have been planning my outfits for the weekend for the past month- ha!
Love love love wearing Lilly and happy colors this excited!  This dress is one of my options for the big event on Saturday

 That's a wrap...if you need know where I will be....on the ocean pretty much...ahhhh pure bliss!


  1. Congrats to the girls! That is so exciting.

  2. YAY, congrats to your girls! So special to see them both performing :) And I really need to get to TJ to get all the fall things!!! Have the best weekend ever Holly, you sure deserve it <3

  3. Thank you so much Rechelle- you are the sweetest! XO

  4. Thank you Heather! We are so excited!

  5. Congrats on the Nutcracker and for making it through this crazy week. Luckily Philly should be an easy flight!


  6. Thank you Patty! True true on flight to Philly :)
