Monday, August 5, 2019

Hello Monday! (Another Sublime Simple Summer Weekend Edition!)

Hello Monday!  Another Sublime Simple Summer Weekend is in the books!

Here is what it looked like.....


During my lunch break, I took the girls over to our  neighbor's house- Miss Tina is always surprising the girls with fun toys for the yard.  We wanted to do something nice for her so one day last week we made her cookies and on Friday we delivered them with a nice bottle of wine.  She was surprised and delighted and it made our day.  The girls enjoyed checking out her Koi Pond...the fish are huge!   They even got to feed them some lunch :)

Friday Night

Rob and Cass planned a night for our families since they are obsessed AND deathly afraid of sharks all at the same time.  We enjoyed Jaws on the big screen.   It was really fun as people in the theater continuously quoted the movie...laughed...sang along and cheered...such a fun experience!


Saturday was such a chill day around the house.  After the gym, I stopped at the deli for some meat for dinner and organized and then did some binge-watching of certain shows ;)

The special gift I got for Diana came in...another way she can remember Matilda always :)

Later on, I started preparing dinner and my parents and brother came up.  We enjoyed relaxing and catching up and then Mimi and Papa took the girls for the rest of the weekend- we didn't know what to do with ourselves!


Rob and I headed to mass then decided on the beach....a relaxing day date!  Felt weird not having the girls but we completely needed to decompress after a hard week last week...and so we did.....

(LOVING our trusty new beach cart-thanks Amazon!)

That's a wrap!  What were you up to?

Linking up with Heather and the girls HERE


  1. You are so precious! I love the way you guys celebrated shark week! Have a lovely Monday!

  2. That was so sweet of you to take your neighbor cookies. I have that same kind of relationship with the littles next door. ❤️Would you believe I've never seen Jaws? #gasp Have a great week Holly!!!

  3. What a perfect weekend! I love the little gift for Diana, so special :)

  4. A beach date sounds heavenly!! But, did you get in the water after watching Jaws?!? Have a super day!

  5. Wow, I just love that Matilda print! It's a terrific way to remember her role. Matilda is one of our absolute favorite musicals! How precious to have such a wonderful neighbor too. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  6. That's an interesting way to serve a cocktail - am I mistaken or is that a fish bowl? LOL

  7. Your theater looks so fun!!! We don't have like that around here.
    What a fun time for just you and Rob to go to the beach. I need to plan a date like that for my husband and me.
