Friday, August 2, 2019

Friday Favorites

Yeah!  We made it!  Daddy's home- woohoo!
So grateful he is home safely but also grateful for the awesome week we had.  The girls were so good- they let me work and then we did something special on my lunchbreak every day...I feel like I balanced both and killed it...sorry if it sounds like I am bragging but sometimes I just need to confirm that I am doing okay... always...sharing some faves from our week and linking up with the lovely ladies HERE 

Our Week Without Daddy

It was a success and a memorable one at that.  Each day, on my lunch break, I took the girls to do something fun AND to check things off on their Summer List.  Monday we went Blueberry Picking, Tuesday we Made Cookies for our neighbor Miss Tina, Wednesday we went to the new pastry shop in town, Le Macaron and yesterday we grabbed all of the School Supplies at Target.  Each stop involved a treat along the way too as you can imagine, I was getting the "shake down"...wouldn't trade it for the world...will remember these days always. 

and each day at my desk...I would get little visitors..this day, we were already rehearsing for the Nutcracker- ha ha!

Other Summer Fun

Thank God for our friends and our village too...Diana's friend took her to swim at her pool and to the town beach on Tuesday night...she was thrilled....

Mama got to scoot out with besties on Wednesday Night for $1 Oysters at Surf thanks to Papa Bob

and Ally came to stay with the girls on Thursday night so Mama could attend Book Club

Headshots and Professional Shots

Diana's headshots came in from TTTC 2019 and I was able to gather some professional shots from the show exciting!

We are lucky to have an amazing photographer, Chuck Swierad!

 That's a wrap!  Short and sweet....Summer Of Simplicity...did I mention Daddy's home?  :)


  1. Looks like a fun week! What a great mama to take your girls out every day for one outing! I feel like we still have so much to do on our summer list...including school supply shopping!

  2. Hooray for Rob being home!! I love that you made the week special though with a little outing each day :)

  3. Flying solo is always tricky, but it looks like you rocked it! A good village is crucial! I’ve heard wild things about The Silent Patient. What did you think? Have a great weekend!
