Monday, April 15, 2019

Spring Bucket List 2019

So I haven't done a bucket list in awhile and I thought I would create one for this spring.  God knows it is my 2nd favorite season and I just get giddy when I think about the outdoor time and all the hope that spring brings each year!  So...without further is my Spring Bucket List for 2019!

Celebrate Easter

Eat Out On The Deck

Get back out on the golf course!

Eat On Our Screen Porch

Watch Diana play softball

Celebrate Mother's Day!  (Hopefully with some time at the beach)

Plant Our Garden

Plant Flowers 

Enjoy A Road Trip to Amish Country- Lancaster PA

See Daddy in his last Memorial Day Parade

Watch and enjoy the girls' dance recitals

Experience a long weekend in Nashville

 Celebrate the end of the school year!

1 comment:

  1. You've got a fun list! Can't wait to hear about your Nashville trip. I went a few years ago and it is such a fun city!!
