Tuesday, April 16, 2019

2019 Performance Awards at Londonderry Dance Academy

So this was Diana's 2nd year participating in The Performance Awards at her studio- Londonderry Dance Academy.

You can read about her participation last year HERE 

Usually, the exams and awards ceremony are held right at her studio but this year, her Director, Mrs. Mullen, dialed it up a notch and hosted this wonderful event at the theater at Derryfield School in Manchester NH.  After a weekend full of rehearsals, starting on Friday, we got to enjoy an amazing day on Sunday!

I stayed for the entirety as I did last year. I love watching all of the girls (and boy) dance and see how they progress with their skills and technique each year at each level.

 My favorite dancer, however, is our little love.  Snapped only a few pics on stage- the lighting was tricky.  The videos came out better AND a professional photographer was there so I hope I can get a couple of shots from him too!

Here are her few dances (her partner is her pal Harry- they love to dance together!)

First- Level 4 Port de Bras B with Harry

Next- Level 4 Adage B with Harry

Next- Level 4 Allegro with Harry

Lastly- Diana's Solo- Level 4- Dance A- "Mischief"

I was so proud of her.  Her dances earned her a gold medal for the day!  If you know her, however, she is not satisfied and next year wants to earn the highest level of "Gold with Distinction".  I really respect her work and dedication and how she is constantly trying to do better!

The awards ceremony...

The judge, this year, was from Cancun Mexico!

Mrs. Mullen with the Director of The American Academy of Ballet who told us that people around the world are talking about this dance studio- outstanding!

Someone snapped a cute pic of these dance pals backstage after :)

Only snapped a couple of pics after...she is getting to the point where she is not as thrilled with my picture taking as she used to be ;)

 What a great day!



  1. Proud Mama!! Congrats Diana, a beautiful young lady and incredibly talented dancer :)

  2. Wow Diana is amazing! So awesome to see kids finding something they love and doing it so well!
