Monday, January 21, 2019

Hello Monday and Weekend Recap!

***Before I get started, this is a heads up that our Monthly Gratitude Linkup will be starting this Thursday!  We hope you will share what you are grateful for...Patty and I are VERY EXCITED to finally kick off this gratitude project so please come back and link up with us on Thursday!***

It was a fun winter weekend in these parts!  We did not let the snow storm get us down...we squeezed in plenty of fun and prep for the week before we were home bound yesterday...this is what we were up to...


Diana's school sent us a picture.  Her and Lucy's Dance Routine for the National PTA Reflections Competition came in first place so they were awarded certificates and medals and they are now moving on to States- so exciting!

Friday Night

 I had a great night with my stepdaughter Ally...she asked for tickets to the Dancing With the Stars tour for Christmas and she chose to take me...I was thrilled...I love the show but I was more excited about the quality time spent!  We had a blast and the show was incredible!  We had dinner at Maggianos first and then walked over to the Boch Wang Center Theater for the big show!

I always snap pics of the ceilings in here- best architecture

Ah...that stage...still can't believe I danced on that stage as a child....being in this building brings back all of the magical memories...

Such amazing talent- wonderful show!

While we were there, Diana was at a sleepover with her besties and the Mama sent me some cute pics....warms my heart!


Those adorable girls above didn't sleep very much but my Mama friend seemed to capture them cheerful at breakfast anyway- cracks me up!

I started my day by going for blood work and then we did a whole lot of dividing and conquering and getting all of our errands done before the big storm!   Daddy got the grocery shopping done which was a huge relief. Diana tagged along with me and was a big help- we hit the dance store for new shoes that she needs for her upcoming RAD ballet exams and then we hit the liquor store for Mike's birthday gift...and then Macy's for Mama....the card store and the ATM and we were done!  We met Daddy and Pidge at home for lunch and then Diana was off to a softball workout with Daddy and Pidge and Mama met up with them at Diana's basketball game!  Lots of business and lots of weekend fun!

Oh and this little break in action...I call it "A Guy and His Ice Rink"...OMG he is obsessed with getting this ice perfect so he and the girls can skate...oh and maybe me but we shall see....I also agreed to have a skating party soon :)

That night, Mama and Daddy headed to Mike's 50th Birthday celebration.  We were originally going to a different restaurant in Nashua and then to Daddy's gig but due to the weather, the gig was cancelled and Plan B ended up being so much more fun- Sabatino's in Derry- much closer and a night cap at Halligan's Tavern.  Mike had a great time as did we :)

Snippets of The Toasts

I had the most delicious Grand Marnier Chicken and Steamed Broccoli :)

 The night called for LOTS of selfies ;)


So last night it had just started getting a little dicey on the roads but not what they had predicted.  We hunkered down and only ended up getting 7 inches of snow before the ice hit.  (We were supposed to get two feet- yikes!)  Anyway, it was a day of lots of organizing AND chilling.....great day to be cozy inside!

My workout was on the treadmill and I really dialed it up a notch.  I ran for part of my workout which I haven't done in quite some time and I was so excited to burn double of what I usually double BUT  guess what really got me pumped is that it was all about the 90's can just make everything so much better don't ya think??  Ha ha!!!

I then sowed Diana's new ribbons on her ballet shoes for the upcoming exams.  Then it was time to have some fun and get Mama organized for Punta Cana....decisons...decisions.....

After Daddy was done with the snow-blowing, he let the girls go out and play and they had so much fun!

The afternoon consisted of movies...Mama and Daddy finally watched The Greatest Showman...beautiful movie....

and then our little fam snuggled up and watched one of our faves- Ramona and Beezus...don't know what's wrong with me...I cried that we have two girls, we agreed, that it hits us even harder...that was my favorite part of the day!

I made us a yummy roasted chicken dinner....

and then it was time to get ready for the Patriots...and yes they did it again...they are going to the Super Bowl!!

I was asleep by the time this happened but happy for our hometown team!!

That's a wrap...I will leave you with this though....

What were you up to this weekend? 

Linking up for Hello Monday HERE



  1. 60 days until spring--phew!!! My kids had a lot of fun in the snow this weekend too.
    I am living vicariously through you and your Punta Cana trip...can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. What a great weekend despite the anticipated weather! I love the pictures of Rob & his rink LOL, can't wait to see you guys using it! Your organization for Punta Canta makes my heart happy, love some good organization ;)

  3. I can't wait to see pics from your tropical trip. This looks like a very fun and full weekend! I have never seen a personal outdoor ice rink...interesting! Thanks for linking up with Happy Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  4. 60 Days until Spring! Wow! I love your weekend, you were all busy but the fun kind of busy where you get to see lots of friends and watch your kiddos do what they love. I cannot wait to hear about your Punta Cana trip. That is going to be so much fun and a perfect time to get away and enjoy the sunshine!

  5. The Wang Center is so beautiful! Hockey Guy will be very jealous of that outdoor rink. The Pat's game was intense. Hockey Guy and I were freaking out.

