Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday Favorites

Woohooo!!  My Favorite Day of the Week!
This week was busy and productive...picking up at work again....back to the routine of regular kiddos activities...some good reading....oh and our shows have come back (insert Praise God Hands here)....

As always, linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

Here are some faves from our week....

Fave MEMEs of the Week

7 years ago and still rings true today- Amen

Eating The Rainbow


My cousin works for the Bruins Foundation and gives us tickets to a game every year. Rob decided that he would take one of us each year- two years ago I got to go...last year it was Zach's turn and this year was Diana's turn...she had a blast!

 and while they were doing this, Pidge and I had a little dinner date at home ;)

 Seems like this dinner was just yesterday...sigh...

New Lenten Devotionals

I am so excited to crack this book open this Lent.  This is my friend Claire's first published piece!  So proud of her!  She is the leader of our Mosaic Mom's Prayer Group and she has solely created 10 prayer groups in town.  She always inspires me and I can't wait to read this with my family!

January Books

and speaking of reading, I have read two awesome books this month!

First was Not That I Can I Tell by Jessica Strawser

Great Suburban Thriller!

and next I read An Anonymous Girl by 
Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks (same authors as The Wife Between Us)

Oh My!  I could not put this book down- I finished it in two days...well nights really....what a thriller!! 

Diana's Portrait of Me

We laughed so hard!  My favorite part?  The sunglasses on the head because yep that is is almost like a permanent accessory ;)

Eva On The Go!

I love when Eva's school sends us pics of her during the day...she is always so busy!  Crafting...on the playground...I LOVE following along :)

That's a wrap!  We are expecting our biggest snow storm of the season (so far) this weekend so BOO!  Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That portrait Diana drew of you is HILARIOUS, love that she even nailed the sunglasses on the head! And your little dinner date with Eva looks cute :) Happy Friday Holly, we're expecting a snow storm this weekend too!

  2. I love that picture! You need to frame that. I love it! I need to check out some of these books. That salad with the artichokes looks so yummy. Yay for the return of schedules and even regularly scheduled TV. Hahaha! Happy weekend Holly!

  3. Your funnies made me laugh out loud and the quotes got to my heart. I may just use one for a post I’m creating for Monday’s I’m so glad to know An Anonymous Girl is good! We’ve been trying to eat healthy and bright colored foods, lol. Have the sweetest weekend!!

  4. Both of those books have been added to my list. I have yet to finish one book this year--ahh! Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Your meals looked SO delicious this week, you are really inspiring me to get back to Meal Planning! I hope you have the best weekend with your kiddos :)

  6. Oh there are so many things I love about this post. The memes are so Good this week and what fun the Bruins game must have been.

    Excited for our link up next week!

  7. I love a good inspirational quote and you provided me with just what I needed:) Trying to get back into the habit of reading and my favorites are thrillers - I'll have to start with An Anonymous Girl...thanks for the tip!

    Black Coffee Beautiful
