Tuesday, December 19, 2017

3rd Annual Jammie Christmas

So....on Sunday night...after a festive weekend...we decided to cram in one more fun tradition and participated in our 3rd Annual Jammie Christmas.

So I decided that I would share all about our Jammie Christmas for Tuesday Talk today with Erika and Ashley.  Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

You never know what the weather is going to be like in these parts so we ceased the opportunity AND we thought a Sunday evening would be best for catching all of the holiday lights in full effect!  It was so much fun and probably our best one yet because we now have the route down to a science!

You can read about our 1st Annual Jammie Christmas HERE 

and our 2nd Annual Jammie Christmas HERE

What is Jammie Christmas you ask?  It is a fun night where our little fam puts on our PJ's, goes to Starbucks (in said PJ's), orders drinks and treats...takes a selfie and then we drive around looking at all of the beautiful holiday lights WHILE listening (and singing to) Christmas Carols!  SO MUCH FUN...and we can thank Shay for sharing this idea with us a few years back! 

Here is what our little route looked like

Stop #1 Starbucks- Londonderry

Selfie Time!

We love Daddy AND treats of course ;)

Stop #2
13 Countryside Drive in Nashua

This year was even better and we declared it our favorite stop!  We tuned into 107.5 and the music coordinated with the light display- it was so much fun! 

Stop #3
75 Pelham Road in Hudson

A beautiful and fun display for the kiddos per usual 

Stop #4
The Corner of Anderson Rd and Mammoth Rd in Windham

Just a few miles from our home- spectacular as always- so so beautiful- by this point, Pidge had fallen asleep so we carried her right to bed when we got home

 There ya have it!  This has become one of our favorite little holiday family traditions!  So cozy...so festive...so special!


  1. So fun! We love our Christmas light tradition too! The kids really do count on these annual traditions.
