Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Memory Lane Edition

It is time for another fun linkup with Andrea.
Linking up HERE 

Today we are looking back and talking about some of our favorite things as children.....

I always say I am such a 90's girl but more so because I graduated High School and then went to College in the 90's and when I look back, before I had my little fam, those were my favorite years.

BUT...my childhood was blessed and I have some fun memories/favorite things to share with you today...looking at the other posts from my blogging friends, I thought I would follow their lead and share some childhood faves....


I LOVED Summers as a kid.  I loved the days at the beach, the trips to Canobie Lake, our Family Vacations but especially our days in our very own pool.  I can still see the water sparkling...hear the splashes from our cannon balls and smell the blooms of our large lilac bush.  I was blessed with a wonderful childhood and I reminisce about our summers every....darn...week....


and speaking of Summers, I also loved to play with my Seaweed Dolls outside.  I would turn on the garden hose and make a waterfall with it and play with the dolls in the water...do you ever remember having these?  They made a great tubby toy too :)

and I must say that the Kodak Disc camera was a big hit one Christmas too...I ended up snapping many pics of my toys ;)

BUT my favorite toys of all....always...were my Cabbage Patch Kids...I ended up with 6 when all was said and done...I was kinda obsessed


Growing up music was a big part of my life because dance was.  I danced several hours per week and participated in many shows including the Boston Ballet's Nutcracker.  I always loved music because of that but as I got to 5th and 6th grades, I became even more "in tuned" to Top 40 hits.  I loved Michael Jackson, Madonna and Whitney Houston, lots of Top 40 including "Private Lover" by Stevie Wonder (I know so random!) and then I loved The Jets.  BUT No one will ever compare to Bon Jovi- I swear the band helped get me through high school- I have seen them EIGHT TIMES in concert!

and a close second would be Debbie Gibson...I so wanted to be her!


Do you remember Multiples?  I LOVED them.  I only ended up with one outfit but it was always so comfy and you could change the look.  I found this FUN picture online...this is exactly how I remember them.
 Going further back, I tried to dress like Madonna BUT my favorite accessory, always, while trying to replicate her look, were the neon jelly bracelets of course!


I LOVED the Ramona Books, the Amelia Bedelia Books and the Harriet The Spy books as a child.

 and then Nancy Drew Books as I got a little older

That's it for now.  I would like to do a post soon that talks about my favorites of the 90's...I could write for days on that one...and probably will!


  1. Love this, I had that exact same seaweed doll!!!

  2. Debbie Gibson! My sister was a HUGE Debbie Gibson fan so her cassette tape was on repeat all day every day.

  3. Definitely could relate to this one! I so had an entire stack of black bracelets trying to be Madonna along with those net looking hair ties. I remember the outfits like multiples but I think the brand was called units for some reason. I only had one top and one "belt". So fun...and yes...summer was always the very best! Some things never change right? Happy Tuesday!

  4. Loved those same book series! My friends and I were obsessed with underwater cameras that we'd take to the water park or swimming pool. Isn't it crazy that we had to wait for our photos to be developed!?

  5. That hair! I remember when men had as much hairspray in their hair as we did. Especially the guys in the bands. I totally forgot about the Seaweed Dolls until you mentioned them.
