Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Life Lately (May 2017) has been busy busy and fun fun around these parts....

It was Cinco de Mayo last Friday and I enjoyed a fun and festive lunch with my PTA Gal Pals.  We went to Plaza Azteca and enjoyed the homemade (tableside) guacamole and some fun salads

The rest of Friday was work work work and then Rob had a gig that night so I crashed!  I got lots of reading done and I am proud to say that I am ahead of my yearly reading goal FTW!  Right now, I can't stop is very therapeutic.  Over the last few weeks, I finished up Summer People and then The Rumor both by Elin Hilderbrand and last weekend I also finished Everthing We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale.  Can't wait to fill you in at the end of the month!

Fresh Flowers in the House make me happy!

On Saturday, Daddy took the girls to Eva's gymnastics and dance classes so Mama could go to her dermatologist appointment and then have some down time with friends.  I met Brenda and Lea for a quick lunch before a wine tasting at the wine shop in town.  I took the opportunity to try my first Mint Julep in honor of Ketucky Derby Day- I really liked it!  Quite refreshing :)

The wine tasting was fun...really crowded but we enjoyed it...had some laughs and tried some great wine!

Saturday Night meant date night and a night out with Cass and Steve...we tried this new and very affordable Italian restaurant in Londonderry called Pasquale's- it did not dissapoint-great food-great prices...very casual

Sunday was a crazy day full of lots of running around, kids' activities and a bridal shower!

Rob took the girls to Diana's lacrosse game while I went to my cousin's bridal shower
It was absolutely beautiful- snapped a few pics of course!

Then Rob took Pidge with him to get the recital tickets for Dance Studio #1 and I headed to Michael's with the PTA gals so we could get the supplies for our centerpieces for our big event on Wednesday night.  My friend Mary Beth took Diana to the race and I met them there.  My parents surprised Diana by showing up too-she was thrilled.  Pidge missed her race this week and cannot wait to run again next week!  We were all there to see Diana come in first for the 2nd week in a row- don't mind the crazy mom screaming on the video ;)

with Mimi and Papa

On Monday Night, I hosted the PTA gals for "Centerpiece Making."  We all made was so much fun and they came out adorable!

and while we were doing this, Eva attended her 2nd skating lesson- Bless My Heart!

Flowers from my Janie....always brightening my day and reminding me how blessed I am to have the best people in my life!

and that's Life Lately!


  1. Tara! I'm so sorry I accidentally deleted your comment BUT thank you. You know how it is for us working moms- we try to do it all -sometimes we feel we are failing in one area or another but all we can do is try to do our best- appreciate your kind words :)

  2. Love all of the flowers! Those centerpieces are adorable! Teachers really do appreciate their PTOs!
