Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday (Prom Edition)

It's time to linkup with Andrea for another Show and Tell Tuesday!  This week it is the "Prom Edition."
Linking up with Andrea  HERE

Well this one was simple and difficult all at the same time.

It is simple because I only attended Senior Prom.  The night of Junior Prom, my friends and I went to Canobie Lake Park instead.  I would elaborate but there is enough material here for a separate blog post all together ;)

So Senior Year, I went with a friend.  He asked me during our class trip to Disney.  He was a Junior and I was so so excited. 

This is a difficult post because all of my prom pics with my date and friends and such are in a scrapbook up in the attic and truth be told, I had no time to dig them out.

There is however, one picture, that sits in a collage in my office so I snapped a pic of it through the frame and all.  It is me with my grandparents. They are both gone now so I love occasionally glancing over at it to remember them and remember all of the wonderful times we shared together.

So I am leaving you with just one pic from my prom.  It is from 1991, right before I graduated high school.  All things considered, it is not very embarrassing...I mean my hair could've been higher...my makeup more loud...but my mother wouldn't have let that happen....so all in all I am good with it...especially good with the peeps who stand beside me....

Can't wait to see all of you lovelies in all of your prom prettiness!


  1. You're adorable! That's super sweet to have that memory with your grandparents to always look at too- I'm totally a Nana and Popo girl.
