Monday, April 10, 2017

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

But first.....we had Diana's last ECE Cheer Comp of the Season.  It was Encore in Springfield MA.  We had fun with our cheer pals but we are SO HAPPY that this season is was a challenging one!
A few pics to wrap up the season on a high note...especially since the girls placed 1st!!

and the night before, we had an amazing dinner at Adolfo's and when we were hanging at the hotel after, we bumped into Cassie, one of the owners at ECE and the girls were starstruck so we had to take a picture of course :)

and Cheer Moms :)

and on to the Egg Hunt!

We hosted our first annual Easter Egg Hunt yesterday.
One family who used to live in "the hood" would host this every year.  We always said we would re-start this neighborhood tradition and we finally got to it this year.

Every family brought us 1 dozen filled eggs per child.  We "hid" them in the yard and the kids had a blast picking them up.  Every child got to find up to 12 eggs and I feel like they finished the hunt in less than 2 minutes- so funny!

Diana made a sign that welcomed everyone and shared our her goals :)


The Hunt!

Enjoying the Loot!

and we had snacks for the kids and some refreshments for the adults.

Thanks again to Pinterest for helping me get creative!

For the kids....

and for the adults...

We all had a blast...we even got to meet some neighbors for the first time...and decided to put together a neighborhood (very casual) couples golf league!

The bonus of the day was having tractor rides by Mr. Chris- he is a legend in these parts for this tractor ;)

 and after hanging with our "neighborhood peeps", the girls wound down with a little time on the swing set....had to snap a pic of Diana pushing Eva...warmed my heart :)

and last night, since it was Palm Sunday, we continued our tradition of watching The Passion Of The Christ- we let Diana watch it with us this year too- she understood and remembered parts from the gospel at church.  This movie always reminds me to simplify things- think of others- and remember the suffering. 



  1. How fun! I love that all of the families contributed so that you weren't stuck buying, stuffing, and hiding everything on your own- great idea!

  2. What a fun weekend!! You always seem to throw great parties. My favorite part is that you remembered to include a little treat for the adults.
