Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday (5 Favorite Pictures Edition)

It's time for another edition of Show and Tell Tuesday with Andrea.  Linking up with her HERE

This week, we are charged with sharing our 5 favorite pictures...here it goes!

This picture signifies the beginning of our marriage- it was taken outside of Saunders at Rye Harbor (during our wedding reception).  We loved that place.  It sat right on the harbor in an area where I spent so much time growing up.  Check out my smile.  I was so excited to be spending the rest of my life with this guy.

I love this one. This picture shows the fun we had with Rob's kids when they were growing up.  We would take fun little trips- long weekends- mostly to beaches- but wherever we went, they were most interested in the pool- this one was snapped in Martha's Vineyard.  We had so many mishaps and yet so many laughs on this trip.  We will never forget it.  My parents and brother came with us too and once we get started on the stories from this trip, you can't help but laugh!

My Diana...Our Diana...this one was snapped during Zach's senior year of football by one of our football friends.  He is an amazing photographer and he snapped this pic of Diana on her actual birthday.  We were headed into the first scrimmage of the season...it was a warm summer night...and I will never forget this little face....

and Baby Eva...just being born...looking at Dr. Bose saying, "hey!  Who are you?  and it is cold out here...put me back in!"
Rob captured this picture in the delivery room and it is so Eva...trying to figure it all out!

and the photos by Kristina Mearls take my breath away.  I never thought I would get a picture that made me happy and I am SO GLAD that she snapped this one of me and my girls...will never forget their ages...or that hot summer afternoon at Benson's Park.  

and because I ALWAYS follow the rules and I don't feel like it with this post...I need to share two more pics because they complete my life....

This picture, for me, symbolizes all of the fun trips we have taken with my parents.  They took us on a beautiful trip to Disney, we spent a long weekend in Florida with them and we have done various long weekends at the New England beaches too.  Two summers ago we enjoyed a long weekend up in Maine and I LOVE LOVE this pic of all of us- so happy- this is what life is all about

and last but not least

One pic to signify fun with my girlfriends- this one includes some of my favorite besties.  The women that life me up and make me a better person.  This night we had gone to dinner at XO on Elm and then headed over to a 90's concert at the Verizon Center- we had a blast! This is an example of pure joy with girlfriends

So when it comes to pictures, I can never follow the rules.  I am shocked I was able to only share 7 but there ya have it!


  1. Love the picture of you and your girls! One of these I probably need to invest in a photo session with my people. And that one of Diana at the football game is too cute!

  2. What great pics. I check in with your blog about once a week, so I tend to read a few posts at once. I'm a New Englander by job transfer, haha, so I love to follow along! You have a very busy life! Lol 😆 Hope all works out with the election! Did you ever post a pic of your kitchen redo?

  3. Love your photos! You have a beautiful family!

  4. It was fun looking at your pictures...I don't know that I could ever find just 5 - ha!

  5. I enjoyed looking at reading about your favorite pictures. I don't know that I could ever narrow it down to 5....ha!

  6. @Michelle K- funny you should mention it! I just posted about the kitchen today and probably will again on Friday :) Thanks so much for reading. What is your blog?
