Monday, June 20, 2016

The Long Last Day of 2nd Grade for Diana

Friday was the last day of school for this year.
Diana, err I mean Wonder Woman, conquered this year like a super hero.

We took our obligatory last day of school pictures including some with the best bus driver ever, Mr. V.
Eva is really going to miss Mr. V this summer but we are very happy that we will be back in the fall and assigned to our route again- yeah!!

After school, we continued the tradition of celebrating at Cass's house

Here are all of the kiddos coming off the bus

and the moms toasting of course

That night, Rob and Lea and I helped to "send off" Adam and Jared.  We are losing two of the best educators that ever touched our district- it was a very bittersweet night.  I cried the entire time during all of the speeches and roasts.  Emma and Leo sang Landslide as a tribute to both gentlemen- another tearjerker.  Rob's band, Random Acts, helped close out the night with some awesome tunes.  I do hope we can get these wonderful men back to town in the future.  

 Now we are looking forward to decompressing a bit- spending time at the beach and enjoying the greatest time of the year!

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